He rolls his eyes and scoffs. “Yeah fucking right. I can see it in your eyes. The second you saw her, everything changed. In all the years I’ve known you, you’ve never reacted like this over some chick.”

I want to argue, but I know the fucker is right. The proof is right there for the world to see. I lean up against the counter and hang my head as I try to get my emotions under control, concentrating on my breathing. “Sorry ’bout your face,” I grumble.

“No drama. I should have told you her name.”

Yeah, I definitely agree with that, but there’s no point in mentioning it. I move into the living room, take my water bottle with me, and collapse onto the couch.

“Dude, you probably don’t want to hear this, but you know who her brother is, right?” Bobby asks, his eyes lighting up in excitement.

“Yeah,” I laugh, rolling my eyes. I should have seen this shit coming. Of course the bastard idolizes Logan Fucking Waters. “Who do you think taught me to play?”

“Fucking hell,” he scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. “How have I known you this long and never known that?”

“You may not have noticed, but I don’t talk about home or anything to do with her, period,” I murmur.

“Yeah, no shit,” he grunts under his breath. “I worked that out.”

We sit in silence for a short while before Bobby gets up. “If you’re all good, man, I’m going to head back to bed,” he says, squeezing my shoulder on the way past. “You can crash here if you need,” he adds, disappearing before I can give an answer.

I lay back on the couch and pull a cushion behind my head, and once again the memories of Cassandra Waters come flying back. At least some of that rage seems to have dissipated.

Finally falling into a proper sleep, I wake hours later when the boys start messing around in the kitchen. I sit up on the couch and stretch out my cramped legs. “Yo, what’s the time?” I call out to anyone who will answer.

“After eleven,” someone replies. “Hungry?”

“Yeah.” I get up to realize just how sore my legs are, no doubt from the intense run I put them through this morning. A run that had no stretch, no warm-up, and no cooldown. Rookie fucking error.

I sit with the boys to eat before Bobby decides he’s forgiven me enough to give me a lift back to my place. “You owe me,” he reminds me as I get out of his truck.

“I know, man,” I say, studying the bruise developing on his jaw. I give him a quick nod and close the door behind me.

By the time I’m dressed and ready for the day, it’s after one in the afternoon and the thought of seeing Cassie again has been eating at me for hours. I grab my keys, slip out the door, and find myself heading over to Brianna’s place.

A weird kind of excitement I don’t understand fills me as I get out of my truck and walk up the drive. I knock lightly on the door and wait a few agonizing moments for it to be answered.

Bri opens the door with a yawn wearing Hello Kitty pajamas. “Girl, it’s after one in the afternoon. Why are you only getting out of bed now?”

She gives me an unimpressed look. “Not that it’s any of your business, but we had a bit of a late night. I’m sure you can imagine why.”

I let out a sigh. “Is she here?”

She doesn’t answer, just looks at me blankly, clearly not wanting to give in. I’m sure I’m not her favorite person at the moment.

“Bri, come on,” I beg, softening my stare and laying it on thick, knowing damn well she’ll fold. Only when she doesn’t bend under my stare, I realize just how pissed she really is.

“Stalk anyone lately?” she asks with attitude. “Oh, better yet, punch anyone lately?”

Yeah, I deserved that. “You know I’m the last person who would ever hurt her. She was running around the streets in the middle of the fucking night. Of course I’m going to follow her home. I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to her. Your brother, on the other hand, deserved what he got.”

She lets out an annoyed huff but eventually, her walls begin to fall. “She’s not here. She’s working.”

“Working?” I ask in shock. “She doesn’t need the money.”

My mind starts swirling. Why the hell would she be working? Has something happened to her family’s money? She has a damn trust fund. Not to mention her brothers are loaded. Logan has a freaking multi-million-dollar contract with the NHL, Sean’s one of the top criminal lawyers in the country, and who the fuck knows what Carter ended up doing.

Brianna gives me a dumb, pointed stare, and it suddenly clicks. She’s working to avoid me.