“Well, Bobby called me to check if you were okay. He saw what happened in class and apparently, Jax was in a foul mood. So, he sort of put together that maybe you were a little something more than just one of his conquests. He was worried, so I filled him in on the crucial details,” she explains. “I hope that’s okay.”

“Yeah, it’s fine. He was bound to find out sooner or later. And with me having to partner with him for the assignment, I’m assuming he would have had the whole story within a few days,” I say. “The only reason I wanted it kept quiet was because I didn’t want to upset Jax. This school was his home before it was mine, and I didn’t want to mess with what he’s got going on here. But now he knows, there’s no point shying away from it.”

“Fair point, but I am sorry. I feel shitty about telling him, even though I know you can trust him. Bobby is one of the good guys,” she promises.

“I know. Don’t stress about it. But speaking of your brother, I’m going to need his number so we can organize some time to get this assignment done.”

“Oh, sure,” she laughs. “You get to have my brother’s number, but I don’t get to have yours. The double standards in this room are blowing me away.”

Rolling my eyes, I get up and quickly grab my phone from my room before heading back down the hallway. “Hey, I have a message from you,” I say, stopping in the hallway and checking it.

“Yep,” she responds in a smug tone.

I hit open on her text.

Bri - Babe, heads up. The boys’ training schedule just got messed around. Pretty sure they’re heading your way. Good luck.

“Oh, shit,” I say. “Why didn’t you tell me you had tried to warn me?”

“Well, I kind of thought it wasn’t really the right time for I told you so,” she says.

“Yeah, maybe,” I laugh as I drop down beside her on the couch while typing out a text to Bobby.

Cassie - Hey, sorry about class today. When are you free to get this assignment done? Cass.

Passing the phone to Bri, I let her enter Bobby’s number before I hit send. Not even two seconds later, the front door opens, and Bobby pops his big head through the door, the sound of his incoming text ringing in his pocket.

“Good timing,” I say as he comes through the door, making Brianna and I grin like idiots when we see the bottle of wine he’s brought along.

“Yeah, I saw Bri leaving Micky’s with take-out. So I thought I’d see if there was any left, and I figured you girls could use this,” he grins as if he’s some sort of knight in shining armor coming to save the damsels in distress.

“That we could,” Brianna says, springing up off the couch and grabbing the bottle before disappearing into the kitchen.

Bobby strides through the living room, making his way toward the couch when he meets my stare. “Was he okay?” I ask with a cringe, not needing to clarify who I’m talking about.

Bobby takes over Bri’s spot on the couch and gets stuck into her half-eaten dinner. “Yeah, he will be. He’s all out of sorts for now,” he says around a mouthful of takeout. “I think he’s just blindsided and shocked. He wasn’t expecting to see you like that, but he’ll work it out in the gym. The asshole probably needed a little warning and time to prepare before seeing you again.”

“Yeah,” I agree quietly, falling back into my own thoughts.

“Nope, none of that,” Bri says, dancing back into the room and handing me a glass of wine, scowling at her brother as she realizes he’s just annihilated the rest of her dinner in three easy forkfuls. “We’re going to forget today even happened. Are you in?”

“Hell yes,” I declare, grabbing the glass and throwing caution to the wind. It’s been a shitty day so the least I can do is not remember it tomorrow.

Chapter 4


What the fuck is Cassandra Waters doing here in my school, and in my goddamn Human Movement class for that matter? This is supposed to be my senior year. I’m the fucking king of campus. The last thing I want or need is Cass coming in and screwing it all up.

My mind is blowing up with so many thoughts that I can’t even think straight. The one thing I am certain about is that I am fucking furious. After three fucking years, she shows up here without a damn word? No fucking explanation about where she’s been this whole goddamn time?


Question after question takes over. How long has she been here? Why is she here? Why isn’t she in New York like she’s supposed to be? Where the hell is she staying? Why haven’t I seen her on campus? And the one which is making my brain steam, why the fuck did Bobby look at her like they knew each other?