Page 70 of The Taken Duet

I pad into the room, trying to be quiet and not startle her. I know she realizes she’s not alone because her finger hits the wrong note before once again finding her stride. I’m inches behind her when she finishes up the melody.

Silence engulfs us.

It holds us in its safety before she turns to face me over her shoulder. The pose innocent but sultry at the same time, and my dick responds in kind with a jolt.

“Do you do that on purpose?” I question, my eyes meeting hers. Those orbs that see right through my hardened exterior, right to my very core. The dark, depraved soul of who I am. And yet, she still wants it. She still wants to hold my evil in her angelic hands. She still wants to shield my dark heart in her light.

“Do you like watching me?” she asks with a knowing smile. I don’t respond; instead, I hold out a hand to her, which she accepts. I pull her up from the small bench. Her frame is cocooned by mine.

Our bodies are inches apart when I lean in, feathering my lips over the shell of her ear. I can’t stop my own desire burning me from the inside out, so I allow myself to let it consume me. Even for tonight, I just want to attempt to be normal.

“When you’re alone at night hiding, you know I would seek you out. Don’t you, little bird?” My words send a tremble over her frame. “Why don’t you show me exactly what you do at night while you think of me?”

I step back, watching her. She stares at me for a moment, her lips parting with a soft gasp before hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts, shoving them down. Once they pool at her feet, she steps out them, and I notice she’s naked beneath.

“Good little raven. A pretty bird, and I want to watch you fly,” I say, never allowing my gaze to leave hers. I smile when she glares at me. I love when she’s angry. There’s something delicious, tempting, and alluring about the way she pins me with anger.

I had a plan. I ensured that there was nothing that could go wrong, but of course, when you allow emotions to get involved, there’s always danger. When I first laid eyes on her, she was part of the hell. But now she’s part of my salvation. She’s become my light, and I no longer want to be in the dark. She may not need me, but I require her for much more than the jobs we will be doing together.

I was meant to save her, but it seems she was the one who saved me. She’s become an endless shot of heroin to my veins. With every pull on my cigarette, each sip of alcohol, there’s only one thing that can truly calm my anxiety.

Caia Amoretto.



There were times in my life I knew what I wanted to do. When I was stolen, I didn’t give up hope until I watched the blood draining from the wound that threatened to steal my life. Rolling over, I find the warm body of Drake Savage beside me.

He was the only sure thing I’d ever had. Even when I lived with Thanos, it was Drake who had given me hope. His long lashes flutter on his cheeks and his soft snores rumble through his chest. The smooth skin is enticing, and I can’t stop my lips from pressing a kiss on the smooth curve of Drake’s shoulder.

A click sounds from the entrance, and I turn to see River standing in the doorway. He smiles, entering and shutting the door without a sound. I take in every inch of him, the low hanging pajama pants he’s wearing offer a glimpse of his hips, the dips of his oblique muscles clear as day. River is handsome. His eyes glint with mischief when he settles on the bed.

“We need to get planning,” he tells me in a hushed whisper.

I nod. I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the next few days, or weeks even, but one thing is for sure. I want to be here, with them.

“Are you both here to piss me the fuck off?” Drake rumbles, his voice heavy with sleep, which makes me giggle. The sound is so foreign to me. And I let it take over, allowing myself to laugh for the first time in years. For the first time since I was stolen from my family, then severed from Drake.

I didn’t know what was going to happen then either, and somehow, through all the darkness, I’m still here. “Don’t be a grouch,” I whisper, curling myself into his body. The heat of him makes me tingle on every inch of my skin.