Page 74 of The Taken Duet

When I open my eyes, Drake is staring at me with barely controlled rage. His body is vibrating as if he’s about to explode. The danger that emanates from him is stifling. But he doesn’t respond. He doesn’t say a word.

I want to walk away, but when I shift from his desk, he holds me still. Leaning in, he plants a soft kiss on my thigh, then mimics the action on my other leg. Again, and again. Gently, he moves up to my core, and his lips press against my bare pussy, causing me to whimper with need.

“Never again” — he whispers over the slick flesh — “will you be hurt. You belong to me now. And nothing will ever change that.”

And that’s how I know I’m never leaving Drake Savage again.



A week has passed since I found her. Since I stole her from the man who took her from me. Tonight, we’ll enter a lion’s den, and I can’t promise that I’ll save her from this. I’ve never been a nervous person, but this is something that scares me. Knowing all those men could kill us with merely a flick of their wrists because they’re guarded by trained security.

Dangerous. Violent. Ruthless.

I’ve stayed strong over the past few days for Caia, not allowing her to see how I feel. I’ve never been one to show emotion. Instead, I keep the war waging through me deep inside. My father taught me to never let your adversary see your weakness, but tonight, I’ll be walking alongside her — Caia, my weakness — into that house.

The mansion is silent as I make my way into the basement. It’s cold tonight, and I wonder if it’s a sign. Perhaps we should stop this charade. Maybe we should pack up and move to London, where I know we’ll be far from this shit.

As much as I’d rather do that to keep Caia and River safe, I know it’s not the answer. Running is a fool’s errand; staying to fight to the end is what I need to do.

As I enter the hallway to find the cells, I recall the first time I walked down here with my father. He was so proud to show me the legacy that would fall on my shoulders one day. It was in that moment I considered running away. Taking my brother and my best friend and leaving this place.

I wonder each day if the girls ever survived once they’d been sent to their prospective owners. Shoving the office door open, I settle in the chair to see Rayne on the bed, curled up. We’ve made sure the room is as normal as we could make it. She’s calmed down somewhat, but there’s still a rabidity that explodes when she’s angry.

Pulling the cigarette from the packet on the desk, I light one and pull in a deep lungful of smoke. The screen crackles, and I watch the girl roll over. She must be in pain because there’s a wince on her face every time she moves.

Closing my eyes, I recall a memory of the moment I broke, just like Rayne is broken. Just like every child that passed through these walls had done.

“Drake.” My father’s voice comes from behind me. I’ve only just turned fourteen, and he’s been bringing me down here every day. I’ve watched things that would make anyone have nightmares for the rest of their lives. Thankfully, he hasn’t brought Dante down here.

I wonder if he remembers being a good person. It’s as if someone else has taken over his body and my father is gone. It’s only been a few short months since the first day he made sure I knew what he did and why the Savage name is so well respected. Men, women, all those in power pay my father a stupid amount of money to do things. Ugly things.

“I think it’s time you and River help me down here,” he tells me, causing my heart to leap into my throat. I wish it would kill me. I pray for death, but it never comes. “Bring him down here. We’ll have a session where you’ll get firsthand experience of the trade.”

“Yes, Father.” I nod, knowing I cannot deny him. If I do, I’ll be whipped. Turning to the door, I race up the stairs to find my best friend in my bedroom. His big green eyes meet mine.

“Hey.” He smiles, and my heart thuds happily. I love when he smiles. I don’t understand why, but sometimes I think about him. Not like a friend, but more than that. And sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to kiss him. But he’s not a girl, so I will never find out.

“My dad wants us in the dungeon,” I tell him, not giving him a smile in return.