Amanda gave the address of the bar and then shook her head. “Not until I know for certain he’s interested in me. So far, he hasn’t been. Sometimes he goes to this bar after work. That’s the reason I told Dan to meet us there tonight. We both like it and go there, so Marcus isn’t going to think I’m following him around. If he doesn’t at least acknowledge me tonight, then I’m giving up on him. I’ll chalk it up to him just being nice because I fell on my butt.”

Ambrielle waited because Amanda continued to tap her fingers up and down her thigh. She had something else to say but clearly didn’t think Ambrie was going to take it too well. Amanda remained silent all the way to the bar, a record holdout for her. Ambrie paid for the cab, adding a generous tip for waiting so long. She sighed as they fell into step together easily, making their way to the front entrance.

The bar was modern, encased in thick glass in order to extend the interior outside into the heavily and very beautifully landscaped patios. Fountains, smaller bars and mood lights added to the lacy green shrubbery and trees that hid spaces for either larger or smaller groups. The dance floor was inside with the main bar. Four, sometimes up to six, bartenders worked quickly and efficiently to attend to their clients. The DJs were always the best.

“Just tell me, Amanda.”

“I asked Adam to come and meet you tonight,” Amanda said in a little rush, not looking at her but trying to make it to the door before Ambrie could reply.

Ambrielle tried not to laugh. “As in a blind date? You set that poor brother of yours up with me on a blind date?”

“Not a date exactly. Just more like a get-together. To meet you. He’s mentioned meeting you a thousand times. I’m just making it happen finally.” Amanda smiled at the doorman and flashed her ID. He opened the door for them as Ambrie showed hers.

The music seemed to blast until their hearing adjusted. Ambrie spotted Dan immediately and waved to him. He had commandeered a table and was sitting with his wife, Lacy.

Amanda spotted her brother sitting at the bar. She clutched Ambrie’s arm. “Adam’s sitting at the end of the bar, right next to the table where Marcus and his friends are.”

Ambrielle shook her head. “You have all the luck. You can order our drinks. You know what I like. I’ll go keep Dan and Lacy company.” She made her way over to the couple. “Happy birthday, Dan. Lacy, it’s so good to see you.” She hadn’t seen Dan’s wife in weeks. That wasn’t a good thing. She really needed to be better about having a life.

Dan leaned over and brushed a kiss on her cheek. “You work too hard, Ambrie. Lacy was just telling me we need to have you over for dinner. I told her you wouldn’t come.”

“I would too. I might work late, but I do have to eat.”

Adam came over with Amanda, balancing more drinks, and they sat down, Amanda obviously very proud of her brother as she introduced him to the others. Ambrie found it very interesting that Amanda didn’t sit in a chair where she would face the table where Marcus sat. She had her back to him and appeared to forget he was even in the same room.

Dan danced with Lacy. Adam danced with Amanda and Ambrie several times. He was a wonderful dancer. Ambrielle found she very much enjoyed the evening out. Dan and Lacy eventually called it an evening. As they left the table, Ambrie caught sight of Marcus making his way toward their table.

“Heads-up, girlfriend,” she whispered, trying to warn Amanda.

Marcus bent his head low. “Would you care to dance, Amanda?”

She turned her head, so her lips were close to his ear. “I’d love that. Thank you.” She took his hand and allowed him to help her from her chair.

Ambrie watched them cross the very crowded room to the dance floor. At no time did Marcus allow anyone to bump into Amanda. “She’s amazing.”

“She is,” Adam agreed. “And she deserves the best. Thank you for being such a good friend to her.” He took his eyes off his sister and studied Ambrie.

She gave him her full attention. He’d been as interesting, amusing and intelligent as Amanda, yet she hadn’t been the least bit physically attracted to him. Her luck. She also knew he wasn’t the least bit attracted to her.

“I have a partner,” Adam announced. “We’ve been together for well over a year, and he moved in with me four months ago. His name is Rashad Perry. When I say he moved in with me, he has an apartment in my building. We both have one on the same floor. He spends most of his time in my apartment, or I’m in his.”