Page 7 of Vampire King

“No!” I shout instantly, startling both of us.

“What do you mean?” she asks. “We have to tell the other shifters that there is a vampire here.”

I know she is right. I know that would be what is expected of me, of us both, but I can’t bring myself to do that. I can’t allow her to reveal his presence here.

“Don’t tell them, Rose,” I plead. “Just for a day or two. Please.”

She looks incredulous, as if she can’t understand why I’m asking this of her. Heck, I myself don’t know why I’m asking this. All I know is that I owe him a favor.

One. Just one.

This would make us even.

“Just two days, Rose. That’s all I’m asking,” I clarify. “Then, we’ll go together and tell them he’s here.”

Rose shakes her head at me. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Bianca.”

I nod, but the truth is, I have no idea. It’s a rabbit hole. I’m falling and I don’t know where I will end up. But I know I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Chapter Four


It hasn’t been even a whole day, and the animal inside of me is restless. I want to see her again.

Kano wanted to join me for our nightly search party, but I told him to join another pair, because I will try to go into town. He didn’t like me going alone, but I didn’t want to tell him that I had a completely different agenda than the one I gave everyone else.

I follow her scent easily. As for mine, I masked it well with juniper. Luckily, the woods are full of it, so no one in town should be able to catch my scent, unless I want them to.

I keep out of sight, which is easy because it’s the middle of the night. They’re all asleep. I know there is still the possibility of the shifters in town being aware of my presence. I know I’m risking a lot by being here, but I can’t help it. It’s stronger than me, than any fear of being caught by a mob of angry shifters out for vampire blood.

It is the house on the very outskirts of town. It looks dilapidated, almost as if no one is living there. I see a small light flickering in the upstairs window. I stand in front of the door.

I could just turn around. That would be the best thing to do. I should go back, find Kano and join the search party. I’m not here for her. I shouldn’t be here for her… a mere human. What the hell am I doing here?

I rake my fingers through my hair. I have no idea what’s going on, what this spell is that I feel has taken over me. I can’t remember the last time I felt so drawn to somebody. It’s been ages. I have seen vampire queens. I have taken them to bed. I have shown them wonders and they did the same. Yet, the raw sensation of just seeing that sweet human fills me with more desire than any memory of any sex ever could. It’s crazy.

I can’t just push the door open. Instead, I find an open window and crawl inside through it. A thief in the night. That is what I am. Only… what am I here to steal?

I listen to the house. It’s asleep. She must be asleep, too.

I head for the stairs. The first one squeals, revealing my presence.

“Shit,” I murmur to myself, stopping immediately.

I look up. One of the doors upstairs open and a beam of light shines down through the hallway, towards the staircase.

“Who’s there?” she calls out. My heart starts beating wildly. It takes all my conscious effort not to run.

As stupid as it sounds, I call back. “It’s me.”

I frown in the dark. Of all the stupid things to say…

I hear her footsteps, slow and measured. She is cautious, but she is walking towards me. She stops at the top of the stairs, looking down.

“You?” she says. “What are you doing here?”