Page 45 of Vampire King

We find our way back to the old factory, and she seems to be glowing, unable to stop looking at her fingers, which keep sprouting branches and leaves, only to withdraw back into her.

“How do you feel?” I ask her.

She slows down her pace, her gaze still fixated on her fingers.

“I don’t know,” she admits. “This makes no sense.”

“Does it have to make any sense?” I chuckle.

She lifts her gaze to meet mine. Her eyes seem even brighter now, a shade of blue I have never seen before in anyone.

“You know, I was always hoping to find out something about my past, something that would shed some light on who I am,” she says longingly. “Now that I know who I am… that is, what I am, this only created even more questions in my mind about where I came from.”

“Like what?”

“Like, did my parents just leave me there, for the shifters to find me?” she wonders. I can hear the melancholy in her voice, her yearning for answers.

“Why would you think that?” I ask her.

“Why else would a baby be by the side of the road?”

“Are you sure that was the truth?”

Her eyes widen at this question. It becomes instantly clear that she never questioned this explanation. She took it for granted that she was found in that way, but was she really?

“I wouldn’t put it past the shifters to have done something to your parents, then took you in and waited for you to figure out you were a dryad,” I wonder.

“But how would I have known that on my own?”

I shrug. “Maybe they’re looking for the well as well. The well would have awakened your true self, but only once you were ready for it. Like I said, Nature knows what it’s doing. It knows when to awaken whom, and how long a secret must be kept. This was obviously the right moment for your awakening.” I smile. “I’m glad I was there, by your side.”

“Me, too,” she smiles back. She looks down at her fingers again. They seem even greener now. But it is the most beautiful shade of green. “Do you think my other powers will come soon?”

“That depends.” I don’t want to lie to her. “It could happen in a few days, few months, even a few years.”

“Years?” she frowns.

“Mhm,” he nods. “It’s not just something you can do when you feel like it. I mean, it will become like that later on. But the first time, something needs to awaken it first.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know,” I admit. “To be honest, I never had to teach a dryad how to use her powers.”

“Glad I’m the first one,” she grins.

“The only one,” I correct her.

I don’t know if she ignores my comment willingly or because she really didn’t hear me, but she steers our conversation back to her powers.

“I’m afraid that I won’t know what to do,” she confesses, her voice down to a whisper.

“You will,” I say, without a shred of a doubt. “Us supernatural creatures are close to Nature, close to who we truly are. Humans have nothing special about them. They were special, a long time ago, but they chose to turn their back to these special powers they possessed, and of course, Mother Nature took them away. Now, they are… ordinary. Nothing special. Just living their ordinary lives, and that’s all. We, on the other hand, are different. You think you won’t know what to do but trust me… you will. The knowledge will come to you. The skills to do so as well. You will be ready in that perfect moment when readiness is demanded of you.”

She listens, then seems to ponder on my words. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely positive,” I nod. “Don’t doubt yourself.”

“That’s all I’ve ever done,” she reveals. “I never thought I was good enough for anything.”