Page 53 of Vampire King

“That is what we shall do,” he nods. “Now, let’s all go home.”

He takes me by the hand. The word home is something I’ve never heard said to me in this context. No one has ever offered to take me home, to my real home.

Only this time, this home is a place I’ve never seen before, but I feel like it is exactly where I need to go, exactly where I need to be. With Edmund by my side.

Everything is finally alright with the world. I’ve found out where I belong. Now, my life can truly begin.

This is what I keep thinking as we walk out of the woods, which is silently bidding me goodbye. But I don’t return the greeting, because we will be seeing each other again… very soon.

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Where are you taking me?” Bianca giggles as I lead her, with her eyes closed.

She is watching her step, because the ground is uneven and there are a lot of tree roots around us. After all, we are in the woods. A very special woods.

I don’t know if this will work. But if there is a place in the entire world where she may have the chance of stumbling onto another dryad, then this is the place.

I didn’t tell her any of this. We traveled here, just the two of us, because I felt that after everything that has happened in the shifter town, she deserved a little get together, just the two of us. But I had a hidden agenda as well, which I didn’t tell her about, mostly so she wouldn’t be disappointed if nothing happens.

To be quite honest, I have no idea how to go about this. There isn’t any rulebook when it comes to summoning dryads out of the woods, just like there is no rulebook where you can summon a vampire to come to you. It doesn’t work like that. You go there, where you hope to find them, and you hope for the best.

“Just a little bit longer,” I tell her, holding her by the hand and helping her walk.

When we are finally there, I stop. “You can open your eyes now.”

She does as she is told. She turns around, enjoying the sight.

“Where are we?” she asks, looking about.

“We are in Neerior Woodland,” I tell her.

“Wait…” she suddenly tells me, lifting her hand in front of her chest. “I… I know this place.”

“You do?” I ask, not only surprised, but shocked that she would say something like that. But on second thought, this shouldn’t come as anything surprising. We all feel where we belong, even when we don’t know it.

“I sense something here,” she turns around, wandering in this small clearing, as the sun shines down upon her.

“You should,” I’m unable to keep my mouth shut. I’m way too excited not to take part in this moment.

“I sense the presence of others like me here,” she says, with a hopeful voice.

When she turns to meet me, her eyes are sparkling.

“Old legends say that this is where the first dryad appeared,” I finally tell her. “I wanted to bring you here, so you could learn a little more about yourself, and maybe, if we’re lucky enough, we might see another dryad you could talk to.”

“Oh, my goodness!” she exclaims loudly, overwhelmed by what I just told her.

“But I don’t know how to go about this,” I admit. “I brought you here. The rest is up to you.”

She walks over to me and gives me a peck on the lips. “You always know what to say and do. I am so lucky to have you.”

“I’m the lucky one,” I correct her, meaning every word of it.

“We could argue about that all day long,” she chuckles.