Page 48 of Vampire King

I manage to avoid her attack in the last second, and I turn around towards her. Without even thinking, I point my finger at a nearby rock and it starts to float up into the air.

I can’t believe I’m doing it!

I turn to look in Edmund’s direction, to show him that I managed to do it, but I see he’s being overpowered by four shifters who have attacked him all at the same time. I want to go there and help him, but I can’t leave Gala unattended. She will slit my throat if I give her a chance.

I turn my attention back on her. I move my finger swiftly towards her, and the stone comes flying straight at her head. It misses by an inch.

“I will kill you!” Gala shouts at me, and I try to aim another rock at her, but she swerves, and I miss.

She jumps onto me, and we both fall down to the ground. We start rolling. First, I’m on top of her. Then she’s on top of me. We’re both fighting for supremacy, but we seem to be equally matched.

Finally, I sprout branches from my fingers, and they squeeze around her neck. She releases her grip on me, and I manage to overpower her. She is now lying down on the ground, with me on top of her, squeezing the life out of her. She starts spitting and gasping for breath, but something inside of me just won’t stop squeezing harder and harder.

Her eyes start to lose luster, but even this doesn’t signal the need to stop myself. The hatred for her, for what she has been doing to me all this time, is too overpowering. I want her to see how wrong she was. I want her to see, to acknowledge that I am the more powerful of the two, that I have always been the more powerful, only neither of us was aware of this.

Now she is. Now we both are.

Her lips are turning blue at this point. Her fingers are frantically squeezing the branches around her neck, but it is no use. She can’t break them. She has tried to break me many times, and now, she will see what the repercussions of those actions should have been all along.

“Bian…. ca…” I suddenly hear Edmund call out to me.

I turn to him. He is also lying on the ground, in the same position as Gala. Some shifter is choking him. He has taken on the shape of a human with bear-like arms and he has them squeezing Edmund’s neck.

I frantically look around. Kano can’t help him. No other vampire is near enough to save him. It has to be me. But then, I have to release Gala.

Or… I can snap her neck. That would be easy enough. That would show her.

I am so close to doing it. So close. It takes only a single second, and I would be forever rid of her.

But I can’t do it.

I pull away, retracting the branches. I jump up from her, allowing her to inhale deeply. She turns to the side and starts coughing violently. I can see the red outlines of my fingers around her neck. That shit will be sore in the morning, I’m sure. She will never forget me.

I bend over her, while she is still coughing. I make sure that she hears me well.

“If you come near me again, I won’t be so generous next time,” I snarl at her as angrily as I can. “Now, run!”

I’m surprised that she does it immediately. She hops to her feet, both hands around her neck, and she runs away in the opposite direction to where the other shifters and vampires are still fighting.

I quickly turn to Edmund. He is still on the ground. I rush there, without thinking. I have no idea what I’m going to do. My mind isn’t thinking. It is a complete blank. It relinquished control to my body, to some inner sense of guidance which seems to know exactly what to do.

I feel confident. In fact, I’ve never been more confident of myself than I am now. I can do anything. And right now, I need to go and save my man.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I am suffocating, unable to breath. Things are starting to become dark. Images of my life flash before my eyes. I feel I’m a goner.

Then, suddenly, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The grip on my throat is gone. I don’t feel it any longer. I am able to take a deep breath, but it hurts, all the way from my throat down to my chest. I feel like I’ve swallowed stones, and now they are resting inside my chest cavity, with no option to get them out.

I blink heavily, looking around. I can barely prop myself up from the pain. But I know I can’t stay on the ground. I need to get up, I need to continue fighting.

The shifter on top of me, with the bear arms, suddenly flies off of me, as if something pulled him away, some weird force. Then, I see her. Bianca is standing behind him, her arms extending into long branches, as thick as tree stumps. She looks like a force of nature not to be reckoned with. Her hair has turned into a white greenish hue, and it’s flying around her head, as if there is a storm brewing around her and she is in the very epicenter of it.

I try to get up, but I’m unable to. I’m too weakened.