Page 39 of Vampire King

“You dreamt that place,” he points out. “I will get us there, but I need you to tell me if that is the place you dreamt of.”

“I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it before,” I shrug. “Or perhaps I never paid any attention to it.”

“If it’s that place, you’ll recognize it. Come,” he says, pulling me by the hand and we rush outside again.

As we’re climbing up the stairs, I feel a strange sensation deep inside of me. It’s like nausea, a sudden vertigo, and I quickly stop in the middle of the stairwell, grabbing him for support.

“Are you OK?” he asks, immediately wrapping his arms around me, so I wouldn’t fall.

I close my eyes, blinking heavily. The place is even darker than usual, but now my eyes added a layer of haze over it. My body feels heavy for itself. My arms and legs feel like they’ve been sewn onto my torso, and I barely have any control over them.

“Just a moment,” I tell him, inhaling deeply, then exhaling. This helps a little.

“Maybe we shouldn’t go?” I hear him ask, but I know that’s not what he wants.

“I’m fine,” I assure him. “Probably just blood pressure from getting up too quickly.” That seems like the most plausible excuse. I don’t have another one.

“Hold onto me,” he offers, and together we continue climbing up the stairs.

As soon as we’re outside, I feel better. The vertigo is gone. Even my stomach is feeling less irritated. Although I can’t see why it would be so, when I barely ate anything. Maybe that’s it. Stress and lousy nutrition can wreak havoc on one’s body.

“Which way?” I wonder, looking around.

He takes my hand into his, and we start running.

For some reason, my heart feels full. I feel joy unlike any other I’ve felt before. I feel… free. Completely and utterly free, unburdened by anything. I know this is a transitory feeling, so I hold onto it for as long as possible, for as long as it will grace me with its presence.

Just like Edmund. He is here now. Who knows where he will be tomorrow? Where will we all be tomorrow?

I try not to think about it, as he squeezes his hand in mine. I try not to read into it too much either. I just take it as it is. We are here now, in this moment. I accept him as he is now, and he accepts me. What will happen later… well, we can only influence that until a certain point.

I don’t know what he’s thinking about. He occasionally turns around to look at me. He is smiling. My heart aches at his handsome face, at his lips, at those eyes that seem to want to devour me as much as I want to get lost in them.

We dive into the woods, allowing the lush greenery to hide us away from plain sight. The woods are our friend. I don’t know how I know this, but I do. My body recognizes the message around me. My mind recognizes the message the universe is sending me.

Something important is about to happen. I’m sure of it.

Chapter Eighteen


I know where I’m going. And I’m going there with Bianca’s hand in mine. Nothing in the world feels more right than that.

I know that it would have been smarter to do it at night, but I can’t wait. Her dream has to mean something. Why else would she have it this night of all nights? Everything happens for a reason. I always believed that. There is even a reason behind why she and I grew so close together, despite our obvious efforts to remain at a distance.

There is a strange force drawing us close to each other, making it impossible for us to remain apart for long. That is how I feel right now. There is no one else I would rather be here with, than her. She is the only one I want to share this moment with. Not even Kano’s presence would have provided me with such peace of mind as she does.

“Stop here,” she suddenly pulls me over. I do as she tells me. “I have a strange feeling.”

“Strange how?” I wonder.

“My stomach…” she says, rubbing her lower abdomen, making faces as if she’s in pain. “Slight nausea.”

“Do you want to sit down?” I ask, looking around. There isn’t anything she can sit on, apart from grass, but in need, anything will do.

“I’m OK,” she assures me, her voice interrupted by short, cutting breaths. “Just… a weird feeling, that’s all.”