Page 35 of Vampire King

I will keep you safe from all the threats.

In the morn, you will awake,

And the water will take all your aches.

Sleep my baby, close your eyes…

I tell her the entire song, with an occasional pause to remember the exact words.

“I might have missed a line or two,” I admit. “But that’s more or less the song that I remember my grandmother singing to me on special nights.”

“Did she tell you anything about the well?” she asks, all hopeful.

“No,” I shake my head. “I didn’t ask either. I thought it was a silly old superstition, nothing more.”

“Shows how much you know,” she chuckles.

I smile back at her. “Not like the song reveals anything.”

“So, there’s a willow tree,” Bianca says, thinking. She paces about left and right. It’s obviously helping her thinking process. “And thorns?”

“Mhm,” I nod.

“A rose bush?” Bianca suggests.

“One rose bush can’t hide a whole well,” I correct her.

“You’re right. What else can have thorns?” she wonders.

I ponder it for a few moments, trying to remember all the bushes and plants I know that can grow really big and that have thorns.

“How about Hawthorne bare root?” Bianca suddenly remembers. She turns to me, her eyes wide and sparkling. “The song mentions berries, no? Hawthorne blooms in white flowers and red berries, no?”

I see where she is going with this.

“Yes,” I confirm. “Do you know where we can find them in the woods?”

“I know where they used to be,” she says. “But I haven’t seen them lately.”

“Can you take me there?” I ask, hope flaring up inside of me like a helium balloon, filling me up completely.

“Come,” she says instead of answering my question.

She grabs me by the hand and together, we fly out of the old factory building and into the woods. I don’t ask her anything. I just follow her, as she keeps holding my hand, unwilling to let go.

We are in this together. No matter how all this started, I know that we are here together, and this is how we will end this thing. Together.

We rush through the woods, through thick shrubbery and low hanging branches that tear at our clothes and threaten to poke our eyes out. It seems that the woods itself has decided to keep its secret hidden for as long as possible. But we are close. We are so close I can almost smell the old brick the well was made of.

Bianca keeps running, and I try to keep up. I know that we are in danger, being just the two of us. We should have brought someone with us, Kano at least. But I couldn’t wait, and she couldn’t either. There is not a single moment to be lost. We need to find it now, and then bring everyone there. Once we do that, we will be unstoppable. The shifters won’t be able to touch us.

The very thought fills me with such awe that I dare not even consider it. Our clan will be protected. As for the shifters, our war will still be ongoing, but at least, this way, we shall be able to defend ourselves. The fight will be even.

Somewhere in the distance, an owl hoots. I listen to the sound. Maybe it is telling us something?

A long time ago, the vampires were able to understand the animals. They were in unison with nature. They lived along with it, not disturbing it in the slightest way. But now, nature deems all creatures apart from animals, its enemy. The humans, the shifters, the werewolves, the vampires. It doesn’t spare any of us. In the eyes of nature, we are all the same. It has made an enemy of us all. Or maybe, we have made ourselves into the enemy of nature. That is surely what the humans have done for themselves.

“Here,” Bianca finally stops, and so do I.