Page 27 of Vampire King

“We wait for everyone else to come back,” I tell her. “Then, Bianca will take us to the abandoned factory.”

“I will meet you there tonight, if I have any news,” Rose confirms.

We all nod. Somehow, the moment feels solemn, sacred even. No one wants to break it by speaking, but we can’t stand like that in silence forever.

Bianca breaks it by wrapping her arms around Rose’s neck. They hug again.

I take a few steps back, giving them a moment. I’m still amazed at this shifter’s willingness to go against her own clan and protect someone so different from her, someone she is not supposed to consider a priority. She is going against everyone she knows, and she is well aware of the fact that it might end really badly for her.

When they release each other from their embrace, Rose turns to me.

“Take good care of her,” she tells me. Those words awaken something inside of me, something that grips my heart, and tugs at it strongly.

“I will,” I promise, realizing that it is a promise I have already given to myself the moment I saw her for the first time.

Rose waves goodbye, then disappears in the woods. Bianca turns to me, her eyes wide and sparkling.

“This won’t end well, will it?”

Chapter Thirteen


I have a bad feeling about all this. I feel like something dreadful is going to happen, and I don’t know what. I can’t even explain where this feeling is coming from, but I can’t shake it.

“What makes you say that?” Edmund asks, now that we are both alone again.

Only, there isn’t any sexual tension between us any longer. It dissipated, as a result of what Rose just told us. Now, instead of that tension, there is fear and doubt.

“I feel like it’s all my fault,” I admit.

“Why?” he chuckles, all amused by my statement. It offends me a little, but I don’t say anything.

“Rose is in danger because of me,” I point out.

“Rose is in danger because she made her choice, and that choice was to help her best friend,” he corrects me.

His statement makes me feel a little better, but again, I don’t let it show.

“What if something happens to her?” I ask.

“She will be careful,” he assures me. “Just like we have to be as well.”

I sigh to myself. “Why does everything need to be so complicated?” I wonder more to myself than to him, but he obviously understands it as a question directed at him.

“Because life is never easy,” he shrugs at me.

“I mean, look at you,” I suddenly gesture at him.

“Me?” he asks, lifting his eyebrow questioningly at me.

“Yeah, you,” I nod. “Vampires and shifters. You should be working together, helping each other, because you are a special kind of creatures. You understand each other better than us humans ever could understand either of you, and yet, you are at a constant war. You are sworn enemies. I mean, I just don’t understand that.”

“It’s a tale as old as time,” he says. “A tale of betrayal.”

“Who betrayed whom?” I wonder.