Page 26 of Vampire King

“But the well is supposed to be here,” Bianca reminds me of something I already know. “You’ll have to go down every day in search of it. Think of the wasted time.”

“Well, what do you suggest?” I ask.

“Hide in plain sight,” Bianca says.

I frown. “What do you mean?”

She doesn’t reply immediately. Instead, she turns to Rose. “Do you remember the old, abandoned factory, just outside of town?”

Rose picks up on it immediately. “You mean the old Miller factory?”

“Yes,” Bianca confirms. Her eyes are glowing. I can tell that her mind is working a million miles an hour. Whatever idea she has, it’s sure to be a good one. I’m positive.

“But it’s barely standing up,” Rose doesn’t seem to agree. “It might crumble down any moment.”

“It has a cellar,” Bianca notes. “Remember?”

“Oh, yeah,” Rose nods. This time, she is smiling. She’s coming around to the idea. And I have to admit, so am I.

Bianca turns to face me. “The shifters will expect you to hide deeper in the woods or maybe in the mountains. What they won’t be expecting is for you to hide right underneath their noses, in their very town.”

“You know, that makes a lot of sense,” I say, considering what she is saying. “They won’t be looking for us there.”

“I can show you where the factory is,” Bianca says. “When everyone returns.”

“I can go back and see if I can find out more about this attack,” Rose informs us.

Bianca looks even more worried now than before. “Just be careful, OK?” she tells her.

I approach Rose as well. “You really should be careful,” I repeat what Bianca has already said. “If they find out that you’ve been telling us everything…” I dare not even say it aloud, but I’m sure that they both know exactly what I mean. Shifters have never been known for their kind and forgiving nature.

To be honest, I’m not sure how they decided to take in Bianca. She had a lot of luck. I’m guessing Milena, the woman who took care of her was the deciding force on that one. Otherwise, the Elders usually don’t allow strangers to reside with them, especially if those strangers are humans.

“I know the danger I’m in,” Rose tells us both.

I can hear the slight tremble in her voice. She is frightened. Of course, she is, and she should be. But I can also tell that she loves Bianca. They share a special bond, and honestly, if I didn’t see it firsthand, I wouldn’t think that a shifter could ever get so attached to a human.

But these are special circumstances. This is a situation unlike any other, and of course, we all act differently. Even I act differently. Usually, I wouldn’t even look at a human twice. None of us vampires would. I guess that is why they’re all wondering why she is with us. That is why I had to explain that we need her expertise on the area and the town as well, if we are to find that damn well.

“But I also know that this is the right thing to do,” Rose continues. “This is all Gala’s fault. She probably told the Elder some made up story about betrayal and vampires, and of course, they ate it up.”

She sounds pissed. I almost chuckle at it.

“You’re right,” Bianca nods. “If only I’d been strong enough to fight her when I needed to…”

I put my hand on Bianca’s shoulder. “What did I tell you about fighting?”

She lifts her eyes to meet mine. “If you can’t run away, fight dirty?”

I laugh, taken aback by her need to joke. Rose joins in, and a moment later, all three of us are laughing together.

“Not quite, but I guess that could work, too,” I nod when the attack of laughter died down. “What I was referring to was the fact that you can’t really fight if the odds are stacked against you. From what I remember, you were all alone, and supposed to take on what… five people?” I furrow my brows, regretting that I didn’t kick at least one ass there.

“Well, none of that matters now, I suppose,” she shrugs her shoulders.

“Exactly,” I agree. “No point in thinking about coulda, woulda, shouldas. What we need to do is focus on the here and the now.”

“So, what’s the plan then?” Rose asks.