Page 25 of Vampire King

“About as much as you are,” I grin back at her. She wasn’t expecting me to say that. I love how her eyes widen when I catch her off guard.

This is the moment I can’t control myself any longer. I’ve been standing too close to her for far too long. We’re alone. I know that no one will return for at least another few hours. We have the whole woods to ourselves.

The thought of just taking her here makes my cock throb inside my trousers. My mind is flooded by the memory of how soft and juicy her pussy was, how effortlessly I could glide inside of her, fucking her brains out.

That is what I want to do now.

With that single thought in mind, I lean over to kiss her, when suddenly, I hear a branch snap somewhere behind us.

I immediately let go of her, turning around, shielding her with my body. It is an instinctual response. I’m not even aware of the fact that I’m doing it.

There is someone here with us. I recognize her instantly. Bianca’s friend.

She hesitates to come nearer, standing by a tree, keeping a safe distance from us.

“Rose!” Bianca shouts out her name and rushes over to her.

I watch the girls hug, but I don’t let my guard down. If Rose is here, that means any of the other shifters could be here as well. It is not safe. At least, it is not as safe as I thought it was.

“I’ve been looking for you all night,” Rose says when the two girls finally stop hugging.

But I understand this need. This is the only person Bianca has left on her side from the town. It must be a horrible feeling to know that everyone you knew suddenly thinks you are the enemy. Even worse, that everyone you knew now wants to hurt you.

“What happened?” Bianca asks. I can hear the concern in her voice.

Rose hesitates before continuing, as if she’s looking for the right words to tell us what’s going on.

“I overheard the Elder say that they are planning an attack,” she finally tells us.

“An attack?” Bianca gasps loudly, pressing her hand to her lips. Her eyes are wide with shock.

I, on the other hand, am not that shocked or surprised.

“This was to be expected,” I nod, telling Rose.

“I didn’t say anything,” she assures me apologetically. Something is telling me that she can be trusted.

“I know,” I smile. “It’s OK. We couldn’t keep our presence here a secret for much longer. Besides, I pretty much revealed myself when I saved Bianca from that group.”

Rose turns to her. “Gala?”

“Yes,” Bianca nods. Then, her attention is addressed towards me. “Then, this is all my fault.”

“No,” I shake my head. “Don’t think that way. None of this is anyone’s fault. It’s just how life unraveled. Now we have to see what we can do.”

“But all the other vampires are scattered about,” Bianca points out.

“Yes,” I nod again, thinking. “We can’t go gathering them all and bringing them back. We need to wait for them here.” I turn to Rose. “Do the shifters know where we are?”

“I don’t know,” Rose shrugs. “I don’t think so.”

“I also don’t think so,” I agree. “If they knew where we were, they would be here already. Seeing they aren’t, that might mean we still have the upper hand on them.”

“What do you suggest?” I hear Bianca ask.

“I have to think about it for a moment,” I say, inhaling deeply.

I rake my fingers through my hair, looking around. “We might have to go to higher ground,” I think aloud. “Up to the mountain. They will expect us to be here, in the woods. They will search through the whole thing.”