Page 17 of Vampire King

She shakes her head at me. “I don’t remember anything. Sorry.”

I smile, taking a step closer to her. Instantly, every nerve in my body tenses up. It reacts to her closeness perfectly, like a caged animal about to feed.

“I’m not asking you to remember now, right this very moment,” I make that clear. “I know that a lot has happened to you and being in danger makes you forget about stuff that you knew. I’m just asking you to think. Nothing else. If you come up with anything that might be important, you let me know.”

She considers it for a moment, then seems to agree, but not before stating some of her own conditions.

“And you’ll protect me?” she asks.

I nod. I don’t have to tell her this in any other way, but I still do.

“I will keep you safe from all harm,” I promise solemnly, surprised at how seriously I truly mean it. “I won’t let any shifter come near you.”

Her eyebrows suddenly knit, and she appears to be on the verge of tears unexpectedly.

“Do you think they would hurt me?” she asks in a such a way that it almost breaks my heart.

I want to tell her that they won’t. I want to tell her that it’s not as scary as her friend told her, that it’s not as scary as she might believe, but it is. It’s probably even scarier than that. But looking at her, so vulnerable, so tender and endearing, it is difficult to tell her the truth, because you don’t want to break her heart.

“It’s best that we don’t find out.”

It doesn’t escape my attention that I used the term we here instead of just you. I’m not sure if she notices it as well. I quickly continue talking, so I don’t have to explain that.

“You shouldn’t risk being on your own now,” I advise. “It’s not safe.”

“And being with you is?” she asks, in an almost daring way.

I sense the shift in the conversation. She is afraid, but there is a rebel inside of her. There is someone who refuses to be silenced, who refuses to be frightened into obedience. I’m immediately aroused at seeing this in her.

“Being with me is always dangerous,” I grin, stepping closer to her. All the hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end just from being this close to her. It’s hard not to give in to the temptation to ravage her right here. The animal inside of me is rattling the cage

“That’s exactly what I’m referring to,” she says, tilting her head a little.

She takes a step back, trying to create some distance between us, but that only pulls me towards her even more.

“Maybe I should keep my distance from you,” she is suddenly purring almost. The tables have turned so unexpectedly, and I love it.

“You can try,” I tell her, equally playfully, diminishing the distance between us.

I place my hands softly on her shoulders. She shudders under my touch. She feels so soft, like silk. Instantly, my mind is flooded with memories of what she tastes like, of what she sounds like in the throes of ecstasy and I want to hear her moan like that again.

Before I can say anything else, her lips crash against mine, and all I can do is reciprocate in the same way.

Chapter Nine


The sensation of his lips on mine was too much to take. I couldn’t just live off of that memory. I had to do it again. I wasn’t thinking. Just like I’m not thinking now. It’s all a matter of instinct. I am just following what comes naturally, and nothing feels more natural than being in his arms.

He gently pushes me backwards with his body, and all I can do is obey. He’s leading me somewhere, deeper into the woods, into the shrubbery, and a moment later, the shadows hide us from plain sight.

He lowers me gently to the ground. I expect it to be hard, but the grass is like the softest mattress. He pulls away, only to take off my pants. Then, he spreads my legs, and goes down.

“You don’t mean to– “ I start, but I’m not allowed to finish.

“Shhh,” he tells me, locking his gaze with mine.