Page 13 of Vampire King

Chapter Seven


I’m woken up by a loud knocking on my door. Then, I hear Rose’s voice calling out to me. She sounds rushed, frantic almost.

I come downstairs, as the knocking becomes deafening, more urgent. I can’t even manage to open the door properly, when Rose barges in and closes it after herself, leaning against it, as if expecting someone to come after us.

I can see she is breathing heavily.

“Did you run all the way here?” I wonder, looking at the few droplets of sweat on her forehead. There is something about the expression on her face, which assures me that she didn’t come here so early in the morning just so we could drink coffee together. It’s something else.

“Mhm,” she nods, swallowing heavily.

Then, she seems to remember something, and rushes to the door, drawing the curtains together. I look at her, all confused.

“It’s morning,” I point out the obvious. “Aren’t you supposed to open the curtains?”

I yawn, stretching, as I walk over to her. “I could go for a coffee. Do you wa– “

“You need to leave, Bianca,” she cuts me off. “Now.”

I chuckle, thinking it’s one of her silly jokes, which in all honesty she hasn’t pulled in ages.

“You mean we need to go on a vacation?” I wonder, thinking of all the times we said we’d do it. Just pack our bags and go away from this place, travel somewhere else, somewhere new, somewhere where no one knows us and see where life takes us from there.

It’s always been a dream of mine to leave, but at the same time, I feel like it would be difficult to turn my back on those who took care of me when I had no one else. I don’t think I could do that to them. So that dream might never happen in real life.

“I’m serious,” she tells me, approaching me and putting her hands on my shoulder. The smile melts off my face. “You need to leave the town. Go to the woods and stay there. Just pack some basic necessities, I’ll try and come see you when I get the chance, but you need to go now.”

“Wait,” I shake my head. My thoughts are a blurry haze of confusion, following her words. “What are you talking about?”

She sighs heavily, as if she expected me to just take her word for it and leave. But… why? I need to know why.

“I overheard my mom on the phone,” she tells me, her tone lowering as if someone might overhear us, although we’re the only ones in the house. “She was talking to the Elder about you.”

I listen carefully. It wouldn’t be the first time that the Elder would be talking about me with Rose’s mother. After all, her daughter and I have been the best of friends since childhood.

“They know.”

That is all she said. She didn’t need to tell me anything more than that.

“But… how?” I wonder.

I keep thinking whether someone saw us together, or maybe saw him. Both versions are possible. I can’t say that we’ve been very careful in our desire to see each other. Now, it seems that this will be a mistake that might cost us more than we thought it would.

“I don’t know,” Rose shrugs, still with that sense of urgency in her voice. “I just know that the Elder somehow found out that you were talking with the vampire king. He wants you taken to him.”

I immediately realize why. He wants me to tell him everything I know about the vampires.

“I don’t know anything,” I tell Rose. “I mean, I don’t know anything about Edmund or the others.”

“Anyone who’s talking to vampires is seen as a traitor,” Rose reminds me. “You know this, Bianca.”

“I wasn’t talking to him about shifters at all,” I try to explain, but I know it’s not Rose I need to be explaining anything to. She believes me.

“I doubt they’re going to believe that,” Rose tells me the truth, although I myself know this. “I think you should get out of town for a while, just until this settles down… whatever this is.”

Our gazes lock and I can tell she’s worried about me. Maybe I should take this more seriously.