Page 27 of A Curative Touch

“I think I have a knot that needs working out if you would help me,” I said, undoing my braid.

“Very well, but only because you need help. Then I must meet Jack in the small parlor. Kitty said she will watch us both play soldiers so Jack will share with me.”

“That was very kind of Kitty to offer.”

He shrugged. “Mrs. March told her to.”

I stifled my laugh and settled into the chair before the mirror. I passed him the brush and leaned back, closing my eyes.

“You do have very pretty hair, Lizzy,” Henry said shyly.

“Thank you, darling. It is my one great beauty.”

“You should not say such things. I think you are very pretty.”

I sighed. “You are right. I should not speak so.”

“I heard Nanny say you only think you are not pretty because Jane is so very beautiful.”

“You are likely right there. And I do not think I amnotpretty. Simply not a great beauty.”

“I think you are beautiful,” he whispered.

I felt tears come to my eyes and I blinked them away. Why was I so emotional lately? I must be exhausted. “That is because you are the sweetest brother a girl could have,” I said, grabbing his hand over my shoulder.

“I thought it was because I love you,” he said simply.

There was no stopping the tears now and I could not resist tugging him into my lap and holding him close.

“Lizzy! You’re squeezing me!”

I laughed. “You like to be squeezed!”

“That’s because you zing me!” he said on a laugh.

I stopped. “What do you mean, ‘I zing you’?”

“You know, when you grab me, you give me a little shock.”

I must have looked as confused as I felt for he said, “Like when Robin and I are running on the carpet and then we touch each other. Bzzt.” He made a sound to show what he meant.

“Ah, I see. Did I zing you this morning?”

He nodded.

“Do you feel it now?” I asked him.

“Only a little.”

“What does it feel like?”

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Like, like something warm and comfortable, but also exciting.”

That was not very helpful.

“Thank you, dear. Run along downstairs and join Jack. I shall get dressed and be down shortly.”

He leapt up and ran out the door without a word.