“Who’re you talking to?”

“No one.”

Looking pissed now, the agent reached over, pushed the boy’s head to the side, and dug into his ear, retrieving a device. He put it into his own ear and listened. He held out his hands for quiet and Lori saw his expression harden. Firebolts shot from his eyes when he turned back to the boy.

When he shook his head, Lori took it to mean that whoever had been listening was no longer involved. Taking the earbud out, he held it in his enclosed fist and looked at Lori.

“What did he say earlier?”

“They can’t stop us both.”

“You figure the other shooter is in the school?”

“I don’t know. But I’d evacuate the whole place. Why take chances?”

“That’s what I’m thinking too.” He turned to the principal. The staff had begun to congregate by the scene, and he spoke up. “How soon can this place be emptied?”

Before the principle could answer, Lori added, “Then again, if he sees everyone leaving, it might force his hand. If we can get buddy here to tell us the plan, we might be able to stop the other boy before any shooting starts.”

“Right.” The agent’s upheld hand stopped the others from moving. “Wait.”

He stalked over to the terrified kid and spoke in a no-nonsense tone. “Tell me how we can stop this crazy stunt. Trust me, the courts are sick of these types of crimes. There’s no patience for criminals like you anymore. Help me and I’ll help you. No one needs to get hurt today.”

Too late, just as the sirens screamed in the distance, gunshots were heard from down the hall.

Chapter Five

Beau’s cellphone rang and the silly ringtone came from Mellie. His heart faltered before speeding up. No, no, no, no, he couldn’t stand it if she were to become a victim.

Now the situation had ramped up to where priorities began kicking in. He wrenched out his phone and checked the message.

Shooter in next room. Bullets fired. Don’t know what to do. Love you all.

Quickly, fingers flying, he answered. “I’m down the hall. Don’t worry. Stay safe.”

Once the police arrived, there were uniforms everywhere. Beau’s new female partner peered over his shoulder and saw the message he didn’t try to hide. “What’s her name?”

“Melinda Kozak.”

“Right.” He saw her hurry over to the secretary fluttering like a chickadee in the background and take her arm. “What classroom is Melinda Kozak in?” When the woman stared stupidly, as if she couldn’t comprehend the words, the harasser twisted her around and spoke in a demanding tone. “The room number.”

Reaching for a register, the poor woman began going through the list. It shook so badly that the girl wrenched it from her hands and brought it over to him. They both flipped the pages until he saw her name. Room 112.

Before he knew what his friend had planned, the officer in charge of the S.W.A.T. team forced his way forward and Beau lost sight of her.


What he didn’t see was her going over to the school guard and demanding the gun he still held… even though the prisoner was now in police custody. Without questioning her why, the butthead handed it over. An authoritative tone worked wonders when one knew how to use it.

Once Lori had hold of the weapon, she ran to the school map on the wall and checked to see where room 112 was in the building. Thankful to see it had a window, feet bare, she made her way around the outside of the structure and checked the classrooms as she went. Sure enough, the students had been alerted and no one was at their desks. Most were hiding underneath or in corners.

Once she got to room 111, she saw the confusion. A young person in a black hoody held the threatening rifle while the others cowered. The teacher was on her knees and seemed to be pleading with the gun holder.

Could she get a clean shot? Hell, the pistol she’d confiscated didn’t have a lot of firepower, and Lori wasn’t sure it would be advisable if she missed.

That might force the shooter to let go with another barrage of gunfire and more students could be lying in a pool of blood with the others.

Shit, shit, shit. Her pulse flared and swallowing with her throat dry wasn’t easy. Christ, she didn’t have time to waste, she had to move.