“Here. I want to be with you here. It’s my favorite place.” She knew his astonishment fought against the need to understand but they’d gone too far and were too involved in their passion for him to stop now. Instead, he nodded and began to undress.

Following his moves, she shed her clothes. The moment he sat, she dove into his arms. Straddling him, she kissed his neck and felt his hands idolizing her breasts. Her head dropped back, and she let him have his way with her body. The man was thorough, wetting every inch, especially her hard peaks.

Finally, unable to take anymore, wild sensations licking at her groin, their lips met in a crush of desire. Now the flames below were rampaging, aided by his undulating moves of temptation.

Lifting herself, the intense hunger encouraging, she enclosed him inside her wet, hot body. Humming with pleasure, stimulated, pulsating, she thrilled as he buried himself deep and then plunged upwards again and again… moving with him for the thrilling ride. Smoldering, his penetration deep, she closed her eyes and clung for all she was worth, loving every second of their journey to heights never before reached.

Suddenly, her body began shuddering, spasming with joy and she cried out his name. As if he’d waited for just such a moment, he strained upward filling her to the brim and in seconds, his body began its own pumping release. Her name coming from his lips thrilled her anew, and she felt her body respond with another wave of ecstasy.

Embracing each other, holding tight until the sensations waned, limpness followed as did his warm kisses and murmurs of sweetness.

Cuddling close, her head buried in his neck, sultry kisses placed wherever lips reached, she whispered, “I don’t expect vows of love, Beau. Affection is enough right now.” Not wanting lies to spill out of his mouth for her benefit, her needy benefit, she gave him one last kiss and started to pull away. Knowing in her heart that this night would be forever etched in her memory, she hid her face so he couldn’t see the craving there.

He stood with her, but before she could turn away, he lifted her in his arms and began walking toward the bedroom. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not going anywhere without me, darling. You promised me a good night’s sleep and I’m taking you up on that offer.”

Laughing now, she hugged his neck and laid her face close to his to hide her tears. “I did, didn’t I? And I always keep my promises.” Gulping back her weepiness, she hung on for whatever he had in mind.

Gently, he lowered her to her feet by the bed and kissed her lovingly. “Is my toothbrush still available?”

“Right where you left it.” She giggled at his silliness.

“Then give me a few seconds, and I’ll be your blanket all night long, keep you warm and safe.”

That did it. He couldn’t have said anything more effective to ensure her losing control. Dropping to the bed, she flipped over to bury her face in her hands and hide her weak neediness from him. Curled in a fetal position, her knees close to her chin, she tried to cling to the barrier she’d built around her painful loneliness, but fissures once started, ripped open and tears flooded.

She felt him lay behind her and wrap his arms around her tightly, holding on and caressing her shoulders, smoothing her hair, whispering like one might to a small, upset child. “It’s okay, honey, I’m here. You’re with me now, and I’ll look after you. Don’t be sad, baby. I’ll take care of you.”

Finally, his words began to sink in, and she stiffened. Her voice raspy from tears and pain, she mumbled, “Don’t say what you don’t mean, Beau. I don’t need your fake promises. Having you beside me tonight is enough. I’m just being silly. Too much happening and all too fast.”

She felt him stiffen and begin to pull away. Thinking she’d given him his out, shock engulfed her when rather than standing, he yanked her into his arms, flipping her around to face his anger. “You think I say those things to everyone? Tell women I’ll be there for them?” His raspy tone lowered to a groan. “Because I don’t. I-I would never make those kinds of promises if I didn’t mean every fucking word, princess. I care about you. Very much.”

He watched her and saw the love that blossomed; love she could no longer hide from him filled her eyes. He kissed her hard. “I love you, Lori Page. You’ve become so important to my sanity that if anything ever happened to you, I don’t think I could go on. That’s why I waved off the other offers to cover you tonight and took the assignment myself. How could I let you out of my sight when you might be in danger. I…”

He stopped and just lowered his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry if that’s too much for you, we can go slower.”

Reaching up to kiss him as hard as she could, hugging him as close as possible, she snuggled into his body and laughed out loud. “Never stop, my love. Never. I feel the same way about you. Come, let’s get into bed and hold each other for what’s left of the night.”

Sighing, surreptitiously wiping his own eyes, he crawled in next to her and asked gently, his voice sounding young and kind of needy, “Can we have toast in the morning? Please?”

Having no idea why this seemed so important to Beau, nonetheless, she answered, heartfelt love in every word. “Of course, for however long you want me to eat toast with you, we can.”

“I vote for a lifetime.” Speaking gently, he snuggled her close and sighed.

Feeling loved, wanted, and needed, she closed her eyes too, held onto his hand that had crawled over her body to cup her breast and let sleep take her into blissful forgetfulness.


Another sleeping girl didn’t move either. When the door opened to her hospital room no sounds were heard. And then it was too late.

Chapter Thirty-eight

Roused the next morning by a text arriving early, Beau deserted his sleeping princess to go into the bathroom. Stunned by the words, he followed up on the message and called. “How the hell could that happen? There were guards outside the hospital door all night.” Beau’s whispered reply held anger, huge frustration, and a great deal of sadness for the death of the young officer.

“Please tell me they didn’t leave her. That they followed orders.”

Larry’s answer made the situation worse. “The nurse was in the room with her when the guard went to the bathroom and then clocked off. He’d told her to stay with the patient until he returned, or the next guard arrived, so the door was never unprotected. When there’d been no movement all night – before the guard finished his shift – he checked in on the female cop. Poor lady had been dead for some time from a knife wound. According to the doctor on duty, the young rookie had probably been dead for hours. The only blessing… at least she hadn’t suffered.”

“Jesus, Larry. We were supposed to catch the prick not feed his hunger for violence.” Irritation obvious, he asked, “Jessica… she’s okay?”