“Or that.” He laughed with her and then sobered. “I know we covered a lot of ground earlier… to do with the shooting. I’ve never known a crime scene to be that clean. Nothing but Billy’s blood and prints, no shell casings, nothing. I’ll keep working it tonight with Larry and then pick you up when you’re ready to leave. No hanging out alone. I mean it, Lori. That little bastard, Ray, is out to hurt and I’ve no doubt, as the agents in charge, we’re in his sights.”

“Don’t worry about me. I can look after myself. And the only reason I didn’t insist on bringing my own vehicle is because I plan to have a few drinks tonight and thought I’d call an Uber.”

“No. I’ll be there.” When she went to argue, he cut her off. “I’ll be there.”

Too tired to fight, she just nodded and got out of the SUV. Waving from the entrance as her way to say goodbye, she closed the door behind her and dropped into her father’s easy chair.

What a day!

What a horrible day!

Thinking back to when she’d called the guard about Jessica before leaving the office and was told the girl was sleeping, sadness returned. Her idea to stop by and take another run at the poor girl had eaten away at her conscience. But if Jessica had been available, she felt she had no choice. Not after seeing Billy.

Instead, when the guard explained they’d given her a sedative because she’d been in so much pain, she picked up the phone and called the district Chief instead. “Sir, it’s Special Agent Lori Page. I’m the profiler in charge of Jessica Boland’s case. I know your work force must be stretched right now with the recent school shootings, but I believe the girl needs to be covered 24/7. I’ve no doubt she’s in danger.”

“Isn’t she one of the shooters?”

“Yes, the first school where there were no gunshot casualties, basically because she didn’t shoot anyone. Just the ricocheting injuries from the bullets. She’s a victim here, and I need to keep her safe. Besides, if I can get her to talk, she might be able to tell us who the mastermind behind these incidents really is.”

Once Lori explained her reasoning, and her fear for Jessica’s safety, pointing out that JR had killed another kid he’d been using as his pawn, she’d gotten her message across.

“I believe you’re right, Agent Page. I’ll double the guards.”

“Not good enough.”

“Fine. We’ll look into moving her to a special locale. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Once she’s safe, what do you think of us using a fake Jessica at the hospital to draw him out.” She proceeded to outline her idea.

“I like it. I’ll talk to the detectives in charge of the case and get back to you, Agent Page.”

“Perfect. Thank you, Sir.”

After she explained her discussion with the Chief to Beau and Larry, they’d agreed with her wholeheartedly. “I’m glad you thought of her welfare. And you’re right with the plan, it might work. As it is, we all know there’s no reasoning with this JR. He’s a loose cannon.”

“A very intelligent one.”

“But a psychopath all the same.”

“Oh yeah. He’s that and more. Little bastard’s had a lot of time to organize, set his ideas into motion. We’re his little sheep, running in circles, playing catchup. I need to think about what’s making him do these things, what drives him.”

Beau’s jaw clenched, and she understood his vexation. “Jesus, I wish those girls had found his likeness in one of the year books.”

“It was a long shot, Beau. I didn’t place any real hope on them coming through, but one never knows. Between us, I’m not even sure his name is Ray or Johnnie Ray.”

Coming out of her trance, she glanced at the big clock and scurried to get ready. She’d saved her favorite, long-skirted, silvery fringed costume for her last night and after showering and letting her hair flow with just intermittent braids hanging from the crown of her head, she attached her fancy combs and added a pair of silvery-glittered high-heeled boots.

Drinking numerous cups of chai tea during the day, once at the bar, she opted for a large glass with a small amount of whiskey and lots of coke with ice to put her in a better mood.

As soon as the patrons saw her on the stage, the clapping and yelling started. Feeling uplifted by the greeting she started her performance with a lively song that had them all clapping and swaying while she gyrated, her hair flying back every time she flung her head up with the microphone in her hand.

She didn’t pay any attention to the person lingering at the bar, hunched over.

Chapter Thirty-four

After dropping Lori off, Beau went back to the office to reread all the notes they’d gathered for the ongoing case. He felt like tiny cotton balls filled each pore rather than working brain cells.

Larry had reported that they had no news on Billy’s identity or his parents and they were putting his picture all over the news, hoping someone could recognize him. So far, nothing. Earlier, they’d sent officers to canvas the street of the teacher who’d recognized him, but considering most were apartments on that block, it would take forever to reach every occupant.