Beau couldn’t. Not like this. Not like a couple of drunken, randy sex machines using each other’s bodies without any consideration or feelings. Not with Lori.

Pleas ripped from his dry throat. “Honey, listen. Stop, we need to talk.”

“No. We don’t. Talking will ruin everything.” Lori kissed him again.

Once more he pulled away and insisted, “Okay then, letmetalk.” He brushed his hands over her face to hold her lips away, but he still kept his body plastered against hers so she couldn’t run. He’d seen the thought in her eyes and wouldn’t let her go before she understood.

“Ireallywant you, baby. God knows I do. So much that I’m willing to break my hard and fast rule. To be with a coworker. It’s just that I don’t want to fuck you like a stranger might. If we hook up, there has to be some emotion involved. Lori don’t look at me like that. I promise, I really care about this not being just a physical release because of our… our moods.”

She whispered words that quelled his resistance. “I want you, Beau. Not just anyone. Does that satisfy your need—”

He broke into her reply by lifting her into the air and carrying her to the room that welcomed them. A bed loomed large in the darkened space. Gently, he lowered her to her feet next to it and began taking off her clothes, kissing her continuously. When her large breasts broke free he lavished his attentions there.

She moaned with satisfaction at his efforts. While he kept busy, her hands traveled his body, searching his back and then lower, urging his efforts to hurry. When she couldn’t take his thorough explorations any longer, she wrapped herself around him and pulled him down with her.

In seconds, both naked, they joined and plunged into ecstasy. He hadn’t felt so good in… Oh, God… forever. Her body had tightened around his, welcoming, hot, and drenched with wildness. Hard and throbbing with need, he impaled her. To his delight and satisfaction they fit perfectly.

She cried out her joy using his name and that spurred him to new heights. Thrusting, driving into her, unable to take more, he soared, his mind blown from the sweetest sexual gratification he’d ever experienced.

His last cohesive thought before they cuddled close and fell into a deep sleep…what have I done?

Chapter Twenty-one

Jessica saw the school happenings on the fat, old TV screen in the juvenile detention kitchen where they were given time to eat each meal. Watching the breaking news, the idiot male announcer mansplaining away the tragedy, she sensed eyes on her and the tension building in the room began to claw at her throat.

She noticed one of the ringleaders at the biggest table look her way and the snarl on her chubby, pimpled face gave Jessica the willies. God, this place was a disgusting nightmare. She’d lived all her life in a pigpen and under the threat of harm but being surrounded by so much adversity, danger signs lit up all around her.

Suddenly, she noticed the others at the table shifting away. Some stood and left, others kept their heads down, their food close, but turned in another direction.

Then the large, very unattractive girl stood in front of where Jessica sat. Her clenched hands rested on fat hips and her nasty yellowed teeth showed decay in a grin without any humor. Jessica knew when trouble faced her. Tightening her resolve not to crumble and beg, she had no choice but to face the adversity.

Understanding that to curl under would do no good, it never had before, she swallowed the excess saliva and clenched her fists. Lord knew, she’d faced worse. Storming to her feet, she shoved the other girl back and out of her way and then faced her. “What’s up Fuckie?”

“You school shooters don’t care who you hurt, do ya? I have a cousin went to that school. He’s a good kid.”

“So? What’s that got to do with me?”

“You shot up a bunch of kids in a school just like that one, that’s why you’re here.”

“That’s a lie. Never killed anyone.”

“Why, your gun fail?” The assailant’s hand swung before Jessica had a chance to react or duck. Next thing she knew, more attackers surrounded her and the kicking, hitting, and foul language erupted.

One girl grabbed her hair and was using it to hold her down while another directed kicks to her stomach and face. They all got their chance to let loose the aggression many of them lived with all their lives. Who better to beat on but a single girl who had no choice but to take it.

She didn’t make a sound, just dropped to the floor, curled up, and tried to protect herself until help came… and it was slow coming. Wishing she was dead, she sucked up what they handed out like she’d always done. Finally, she heard the guard’s threatening male voices and the pain stopped.

Before she let the agony have her consciousness, she cried out to the God she’d tried so hard to believe in…how much of this crap do you want me to bear? Because I don’t know if I can take anymore.Strangely, her last thought hadn’t been of her only friend Ray but of the lady who’d intervened for her the last time she’d been so terrified.

Chapter Twenty-two

Beau stirred.

Instantly, he understood he wasn’t in his own bed, and neither was he alone. The evening before flooded back to him and he turned his head carefully to see his bedpartner lying in his arms, her sexy eyes open… watchful.

“Good morning.” His voice sounded thick from sleep and clearing his throat, he leaned in for a kiss and met air.

Abrupt and blunt, she bolted. Once she knew he’d woken, she’d pushed away from him and rose, grabbing the nearby blanket to use as a cover for her nakedness. “Time to move.”