“Have you ever studied what psychotic behavior means? I’m an FBI profiler, took all the regular courses… and then some. We dealt a lot on this mental disorder. Yes, it’s a sickness and people are born this way.” Lori saw Jessi’s interest flare when she heard the words describing the syndrome as a health issue.

Staying on the subject, she continued. “And, on numerous occasions, I’ve met these types. They leave me feeling empty because it’s basically how they are… empty of any remorse or ability to love anyone, even themselves. They’re driven by other things like revenge or power.”

Lori leaned back in her chair and slouched as if the heaviness of the topic had gotten to her. “You know who I feel sorry for? The people who they involve in their lives of dysfunction and cruelty. People like your shooter-buddy, Tyler Jonas.” Again, the muscles around Jessi’s lips tightened.

Lori added a sound of disgust, pretending it escaped. Then loathing filled her voice on purpose. “Talk about being manipulated. Oh, my world! Someone zeroed in on that kid’s weaknesses and used them against him. They sensed a sickness in this lost soul and rushed to fill the void, making a kid like Tyler become dependent. Then they used that person’s trust to get them to do whatever it is they want.”

Again, Jess stiffened. Very slightly, but Lori felt it. Something she said had gotten through. Thinking back over her words, she sensed an importance she needed to find. Deciding to keep talking but watch for any reaction, she added, “I’ve studied Tyler’s background as much as possible in the short time I worked this case, and you know what? He hates people. Because he’s a bit of a weenie himself, he feels out the stronger ones like you and will do anything to keep that person on his side. Do you know that when I stopped him from carrying out his nefarious schemes, he crumbled like a baby. Your idol. Whined like a little girl.”

Again, movement. This time, Jess stretched awkwardly and wrenched her body to the side.

Okay, what just happened? Had she pushed too far? Said the wrong thing? The door opened and Walker came in bearing a tray of hot food. The hamburgers reeked with good smells and suddenly hunger took over. Famished, she threw a wrapped burger to the girl opposite and took one for herself. “Want fries?”

When Jess finally nodded, making eye contact, Lori saw only hunger. But when she acknowledged what her rioting instincts were screaming, she knew the girl was riddled with disbelief. Strangely, she also felt the other’s simmering rage. The fury had only begun after she’d mentioned the name of Jess’s shooting friend, Tyler Jonas.


The rest of the day brought nothing. Jess laid her head on her arms on the table and pretended to sleep. Beau had watched the way Lori had of sitting quietly for some time, then talking as if with an equal, rambling on in a friendly way about all kinds of subjects to see if the teen would show any reaction.

From previous experience, he knew this type of interviewing could take days without any type of success. On the other hand, if Lori hit the right subject at the exact moment that resonated with Jess, it could bring a reaction.

They needed this girl to open up since Tyler, the kid whom Beau had broken in a few minutes, had piss-all to share. Only because he knew nothing concrete. All his interactions with the person who’d told him what to do and where to be had disappeared into the twilight zone of the internet.

The only substantial evidence he had left was the tattoo he’d had copied from the image his BFF had sent him. He’d been ordered to get the branding on his wrist, so they’d have a similar connection.

According to Tyler, he’d formed an alliance with someone called Johnny Ray on a bogus online site, which surprise… had disappeared as of the day before. He’d described in a weepy voice how a burner phone had arrived at his house over a month ago. Of course, it no longer connected with the one number he’d been using.

Directions to procure the gun found wrapped in a backpack turned out to be authentic. Unfortunately, neither the weapon nor the case had fingerprints other than his own, so no way of it being traced.

Worst of all, the presence of the boy he’d idolized enough to do his bidding had disappeared. When Tyler had been told the other shooter had been a girl, he’d cried heartbrokenly and spilled all his secrets which basically amounted to fuck-all.

He’d been tricked by a guy who turned out to be a fake. A male who’d worked the angles, pretending to care about him and his sad world. When he’d first brought up the idea of them pulling this stunt together to show the world they mattered too, Tyler had made only one request before agreeing. Could they finally meet in person?

Of course, they would. A meeting place had been arranged for them to flee to after the incident and during the resulting turmoil.

With that promise ringing in his ear, and the love that had been building in his heart for the one person in his life who’d cared if he lived or died, wretched Tyler had followed instructions.

Yet all that bullshit he’d been fed, he now condemned. How pathetic to believe he’d been seen and heard by someone who thought he mattered. Another like him who wanted one last chance to make an impact, and if that meant he’d die in the process, so be it. He’d cried then, his heart broken. Nothing had changed. He was still alone.

Chapter Eleven

Lori grumbled yet again, “I don’t know how you talked me into this tonight. I have two exhausting shows to do later. They’re relying on me for those performances, the advertising has been up for weeks.”

“Hey, no problem. I already told you I’d get you to the bar on time. I know you’re exhausted after these last few days, but my annoying goddaughter has something to tell us about the shooting and says she’ll only talk with you. Besides, didn’t I find another waitress to cover for your early shifts? That’s gotta help. And Maria needed the extra hours.”

“Wish I knew how you got her to agree. She’s usually strict about wanting to be with her kids during suppertime.”

Beau grinned her way and said nothing. A ruse that Lori found annoying and one that made her decide to question Maria at some point to find out just what had been arranged. She sensed some funny business, even if the thought of running around those tables on a busy Friday night had taken on nightmare proportions.

Then Walker had made his proposal. Rather than having to waitress her regular shift, he’d take her to his goddaughter’s home for the promised meal and she’d only have to show up for her performances later in the evening. All had been arranged… and no, her boss had no quarrel with the new plans.

After working with Jess all day, her brain like a limp noodle, Lori had secretly jumped at the chance to have a few hours of rest before she had to make an appearance for the supper date.

Luxuriating in a bath, a small glass of her favorite wine beside her, she’d washed her long hair, a task in itself, and spent time on just letting the music from her Alexa reverberate. Her brain turned off, she let the words in and began to sing along. Her voice had matured and hitting the higher notes took no effort at all.

According to her dad, her mother had passed on this talent and Lori had to agree. Toward the end of his sickness, Lori would sing for him… a lot of the songs her mother loved, and he’d smile before sinking back into his medicated world.

Dressed and ready in one of her regular show outfits, she’d chosen a tastefully low-cut, but still classy, sequined turquoise silk dress with long sleeves to hide the variety of cuts still healing. She did her hair in the braided twists that looked so fancy hanging down her back, added glittering combs, and grabbed her shawl.