Lori chuckled, happiness shining in her expression. “You are a child. You know I can’t keep it warm, so you’ll have to wait till we get home for that. I can bring you a hamburger and milkshake from the place next door and get it here fast.”

Pretending to pout, he said, “Fine. But when they let me go home, you have to promise to make me our special meal then.”

“It’s a promise. Oh, and that reminds me. Are we still going to your place when you leave here? Is that right?”

“I hope so. When I asked you to move in with me, I was serious. Plus, my place has more room. Have you decided?”

“Kind of. I wanted to run this past you before making any moves, but I think I’ve come up with a wonderful idea. You know that Jessi has her hearing later today, and we’re hopeful that the judge will grant her probation if someone steps forward to take on the responsibility for her. So, we’re asking for her to be released into my custody.”

“Right. I know. I heard the District Attorney will be pushing for that too. I’m really happy for you and that brave kid.”

“I had a long visit with her, and she’s relieved you’re not badly hurt. She’s in a state about her future. Beau, I had to relieve her worries, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did, softie.” He grinned lovingly into her worried face.

“For some reason, she’s as attached to me as I am to her. It’s strange how much she’s come to mean to me over these last weeks. So… I think I’ve come up with a solution to everyone’s problems.”

“Tell me. You and I both know I owe her – big time.”

“You recall Lucy Dahl from the center… that she’s homeless, right? I told you about her situation.”

“Right. I remember.”

“So I thought I’d get her to move into my place and have Jessi stay there with her. I can watch them both but still live with you. What do you think?”

“I think it’s brilliant. Have you talked to the girls about it?”

“Yeah. They’re delighted. Lucy was worried she couldn’t afford the rent but the insurance money for my dad I was waiting for came through yesterday. I’m flush now and can pay all the rent on the place for as long as we need it.”

He grinned. “Or maybe we should just look at buying a place for all of us to live, maybe with a separate suite in the basement where they’ll be closer.”

Lori’s eyes began to shine, and she flushed with happiness. “You mean that? You’d be willing to go together and get a new place?”

“Of course. My only stipulation is that we have the upstairs to ourselves and whoever else might pop out in the future.”

“You talking about kids?”

“You okay with that?” His pulse ramped up. They’d never discussed the idea of a family. To him it would be a dealbreaker. Beautiful Mellie had made having another baby a dream he wanted, a child he could claim as his own.

“More than okay. I love the idea. And we’ll have built in babysitters.”

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the yearning he’d kept hidden. “I love you, Special Agent. You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of… every woman rolled into one that I longed for.”

“I love you too, Beau. But you have to stop trying to undress me, you brat. I promise… tomorrow I’ll make it up to you for refusing your advances today.”

Before he could answer, a knock sounded at the door and Mellie along with her family opened it and walked in bearing gifts.

Once Luke had finished tromping him with his loving sarcasm and Rachel had stopped kissing his face and tearfully thanking him for what he’d done to save Mellie, Lori could see he was fading.

“I think we should let the patient rest now and come back later.”

Luke guided Rachel toward the door but Mellie, who’d been perched on the bed next to Beau, shook her head. “Can I just have a few more moments alone with Uncle Beau?”

Lori, seeing the affection carved in his loving features took his slight nod to mean he wanted them to let her, and so she escorted the others from the room.


Once the door closed behind them, Mellie leaned in close and laid her head over Beau’s chest, her hand clinging to his. “Thanks, Dad. For saving me. I’ll never forget it.”