“No, you can’t. It was a promise I made when I took the job, no leaving them in the lurch. They’ll want a week’s notice, and I said I would give it when I moved on. I keep my word.”

“I’m sure they’d understand how important you are to this case. We need your full attention right now.”

“Tough. Look, they took me in when I needed nightwork so I could spend the days with my dad. And they let me go anytime I got called by his nurse when things got bad. I’m not leaving them in the lurch. We’ll have to work around my schedule somehow.”

She saw Agent Walker’s frustration and added, “Hey, it’s only a week. I can do both. Besides, I only waitress the supper shift and have two singing gigs in the evenings. I’m usually home by eleven during the week and one a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Take it or leave it.”

“Oh, we’ll take it. Whatever time you can put towards helping us will be beneficial. What? Why are you staring at me like that?”

“Because you haven’t said… why me? I know you have other profilers who can work the case. What makes me so important that you’d come to my place?”

“Number one, you’re already involved. Number two, from the records I researched, you’re at the top in your field. And number three, the kid, Jessica Boland, connected with you at the shooting. Just for a second, but I saw it. I think you might be able to get through to her.”

“Wait a minute. That kid was a girl? I didn’t see that.”

“No doubt. Things were moving pretty fast yesterday. I was closer to her, or I would have missed it myself. When I went in to question her after we got downtown, I felt sure I glimpsed disappointment when she saw me instead of you. It sounds weird but I’d bet money on it.”

“Me? When did we have this so-called bonding? You’ll have to forgive me if things still seem a bit foggy. Must be from the pain I’m still suffering.” She made her voice dramatic over the last phrase and saw he’d picked up on her foolishness.

Grinning, he continued. “On the floor after I rolled off her, the cop roughly forced her to her feet and into handcuffs, and you gave him hell for being so brutal. She stared at you stupefied. I saw her disbelief that someone would stick up for her. It’s a small thing, but it might be the nudge we need for her to open up. Only, it has to be you.”

Lori felt the old fervor settle into place. She’s always loved her job, loved the challenge and satisfaction when things went well.

Remembering the day before, it came back to her that she’d experienced a brief affinity with the kid who at the time, she still believed was a boy. In fact, she’d wondered what had finally driven the teen to such lengths where he’d hurt others because of his own intolerable pain and ignorance.

Having an opportunity to find answers to those questions heightened her interest and a powerful instinct came over her. She needed to be involved. She’d possibly stop the violence.

Shaken, she stood abruptly. “Give me a few minutes, I’ll get dressed.”

“Sure. Can I help myself to more coffee?”

“All you want. There’s toast there if you haven’t eaten, just gotta make your own, butter’s in the cupboard next to the stove.”


How Beau knew it had been her way of issuing a soft order to prepare food she herself wanted, he wasn’t sure. Yet he was positive that he was meant to make a plateful of toast and have it waiting.

Hmm, some people had a knack for getting others to do things for them without making demands and it seems like he’d met his match. Taking her suggestion in the right way, not letting it make him feel like he was forced, he searched out the bread, found the toaster on the counter and began working on a stack of toast.

Once the first two popped and he smelled the melted butter and hot bread, before he knew he would, he began munching and enjoying his second cup of the witch’s brew.

Maybe fifteen minutes later, she appeared, hair braided, her face freshly made up, eyes highlighted to bring out the blueness. Wearing a navy suit with a skirt that flared slightly with every step, she looked feminine as well as business-like. Her crisp, white, shirt-like blouse opened at the neckline just deep enough to show off a small diamond heart pendant nestled there.

She appeared the picture of a successful working woman and he appreciated how little time it took for her to make the change. A grin began to build when he watched her delve into the stack of toast and mutter her approval.

Before he could say anything, she’d gone to the cupboard, reached for a jar of peanut butter, and began slathering it on her slice. Without saying a word, she shoved the jar in his direction and passed the knife over. He couldn’t resist the scent of one of his favorite condiments. Both munched happily until she finished off her coffee, cleared the dishes to the sink and grabbed her purse and phone.

“I’m ready.”

“Great, first we head to the office and get you set up with HR and then we’ll go to the jail. On the way over, I have the files in the car for you to read.”

Loretta looked his way, a smirk on her face. “You were that sure of me?”

He stopped and turned, forcing her to look at him. “Yesterday, I saw a woman in her element, doing the work she was meant to do.”

“Hey, I’m seldom physical with anyone.”

“That’s not what I meant. I heard about you organizing those kids, helping them escape. You connected. You cared. See, that’s the part I’m talking about.”