Page 31 of Dark Salvation

Taking a deep breath, I reach for the handle and step out into the bedroom. Priest is nowhere to be found, but there’s a plate of food loaded with bacon, eggs, and hash browns. A feast that could easily have fed me for a week. Next to it sits a glass of water and two white pills.

Mouthwatering, I settle down on the bed and tear into the crispy bacon, which is cooked to perfection. The second it hits my tongue, I moan in appreciation.

“Damn. If I’d have known bacon would make you sound like that, I’d have gotten you more,” Priest quips, stepping into the room with a full plate in his hand.

Cheeks burning from embarrassment, I mumble, “Sorry,” as I drop the bacon back onto the plate.

“Don’t be.” He takes a seat across from me. “I imagine this is your first decent meal in a while?”

If he only knew.For years, I’ve had to fight for every scrap I’ve eaten. I don’t tell him that, though. Instead, I stuff a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

Everything tastes amazing. My stomach is so thankful to finally be filled with actual food, it growls.

“Slow down, Angel. You haven’t eaten much in a while. You’re gonna make yourself sick.”

I pause, fork at my lips, and look down at my plate. He hasn’t even touched his plate yet, and mine is almost empty. “Sorry.

“Stop saying you’re sorry. Nothin’ to be sorry for.” He offers me two strips of his bacon. “Here.”

“I can’t take your food,” I exclaim. “Patches eat first.”

Frowning, he reaches forward and places the bacon onto my plate. “No. We eat together.”

I don’t argue, because I am still hungry. He leans back and starts to eat, and after a moment, I join him. When we’re both finished, he reaches over, takes my plate, and sets them both on the nightstand.

“Doc sent some more painkillers if you want them.”

I shake my head. I need to keep my wits about me until I have a better lay of the land here. Drugging myself isn’t an option. Not until I know for sure that I can trust these men. Clear heads stay alive. Clear heads stay safe.

Though Priest has reassured me multiple times, I still don’t know how I feel about being here. Aside from Priest, the only other person I’ve seen is the doc, and he’s not even an actual part of the club.

Is Priest intentionally keeping them away? Had he staked his claim on me like Alan had? The thought of another Alan churns my full stomach.

Think of anything else. Anything. Don’t waste the food you’ve been given by puking.

But, why am I here? I’ve asked myself that question a dozen times between my naps. Maybe more. The Black Hoods didn’t have to save me. I meant nothing to them, but yet, here I am. Safe under Priest’s care. But why me? Why save me and not the others?

Finally, I force myself to look him in the eye and ask, “Why did you save me?”

Priest blinks, burrowing his brow in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I save you?”

“Because I’m not worth saving.”

“Fuck that,” he growls, taking my hand. “Boo, without you, I wouldn’t fucking be here right now. I’d be dead, and you…” He trails off, shaking his head. “I don’t even want to think about what they would’ve fucking done to you.” He clenches his teeth, but his hold on my hand remains gentle. “Angel, what they did to you, it wasn’t right. Nobody deserves that. My only regret is that I couldn’t kill that bastard for you.”

“You would’ve killed him for me?”

Without hesitation, he declares, “Fuck yes. Nobody, least of all you, deserves that kind of treatment.”

I blink up at him, unsure how to process that. Why least of all me? Why me at all?

“I’m grateful to you, Angel. For calling Judge. For getting us both out. I could’ve accepted dying in there, because it would’ve meant I kept my club safe, but you? It would’ve haunted me in the afterlife.”

His words settle into my heart, warming me from the inside out. No one has ever shown me the kindness Priest has. in the short time I’ve known him. No one has ever made me feel worthy of anything, let alone their gratitude.

This man is my savior. I owe him everything, including my life.

Slipping off the bed, Priest’s eyes go wide as I pull my shirt up and over my head.