Page 16 of Dark Salvation

“I told you not to fucking kill her, Alan,” Big Dick roars from somewhere in the room. I look over and see him leaning against the doorframe, while two club members hold Alan back by his arms.

“If you knew what she did, you wouldn’t be saying that,” Alan spits back before stopping himself.

Big Dick arches his brow as he looks at me. “What did she do exactly?”

Alan peers over at me before turning his attention back to his president. After a few moments of silence, he grunts, “Fucking bitch spit in my face and kicked me in the balls.”

What? Why is Alan lying to his president? Did he really not tell him that I broke the rules?

He didn’t tell Big Dick.He caught me red-handed, and he didn’t immediately run off to report me like a narc? But why? He’s Big Dick’s little lap dog, ready and willing to do whatever he tasks him to do.

“And?” Big Dick inquires, tilting his head to the side. “You get off on that shit.”

“She got me good this time,” Alan mutters. “With everything going on, I lost my shit.”

Big Dick stares him down before finally nodding. “Remember the rules with this one,” he says, pointing to where I lay frozen on the bed. “If you break it, I break my foot off in your ass. You can’t kill her. Am I crystal fucking clear on that?”

“Yes, Prez,” Alan grumbles.

“Good. Boys, let him go.” They quickly release him, leaving him rubbing at his arms, as if brushing their germs off his skin. Stabbing a finger in Alan’s face, Big Dick advises, “I won’t warn you again. Keep her alive.”

“I will,” he replies, sounding more like the trained animal he is.

“Good. Now get your ass to the meeting room. We’ve got some guests arriving later today, and we need to discuss strategy.” Big Dick looks over at me once more and frowns. “And get her fucking cleaned up while you’re at it. It smells like a fucking urinal in here.”

Without a second glance, Big Dick stalks out of the room with the other guys on his heels. Alan stays behind.

“I’ll send in one of the girls to get you cleaned up,” he snarls through clenched teeth. And with that, he leaves the room.


“Hey there, handsome,”Tammy purrs, stepping up to the bars. She’s wearing a barely-there black skirt, and a shirt that looks more like a bra than a functional piece of actual clothing. Her hips sway as she moves, a coy smile playing on her lips as she looks me up and down. “You look like you could use some comfort.”

The tone in her voice sours my stomach. She’s here for a purpose, and I would bet my life that it has nothing to do with the Screwballs.

“How much longer are you fuckers gonna drag this out?” I ask, pushing myself up to a sitting position on the cot.

Several days have passed now, and I’m beginning to regain a bit of my strength, though the pain is getting worse. I haven’t seen Boo again, and I’m pretty sure she never got the chance to make that phone call. Is she even still alive? Did she get caught trying to help me?

Either way, the guilt of her disappearance weighs heavily on my heart and mind. That girl has been through so much, and she’d told me how dangerous it would be to sneak a phone call. I hadn’t listened. I’d been so intent on my own survival, I’d failed at helping ensure hers.

Tammy pokes her lower lip out in an exaggerated pout. “Oh, that’s not very nice. I just came to give you some company.”

Even from the other side of the locked bars, she looms over where I sit on the cot, and I don’t like the upper hand it gives her. Biting back the pain, I force myself to stand and step up to the bars. At my full height, I tower over her. “I’d rather be alone.”

Shaking her head, she reaches for a ribbon on the material between her breasts. “I bet you wouldn’t say that if I was Boo.”

I glare down at her as she tugs at the ribbon. It loosens and falls away, her bare breasts popping free. “You’re not Boo.”

Anger flashes in her dull, gray eyes. “I’m better than Boo,” she coos, stepping closer, her nipples brushing against the metal bars.

I have never laid a finger on a woman, but I’ve also never had such a hateful woman in my space before. “Not interested.”

Tammy ignores my words; she doesn’t care. Instead, she shrugs her shirt off completely and slides her skirt down over her hips. She’s naked now, and the anger in her gaze is more than just anger… it’s predatory.

“You think Boo would make you feel as good as I can?”

Reaching her arms through the rungs of the cell, her hands go for my belt. As soon as her fingers make contact with the buckle, I grip her wrists in my hands and push her back a step. “Where is she?” I ask. I know I shouldn’t even say her name. She’ll get into trouble if they know I’m asking for her. But I know Tammy is here on her own, and if the men caught her, she’d be in for a world of hurt. She’s not going to tell them, unless she wants them to know she had snuck in.