She arches her brow and I mumble, “Flora, please.”
“Well, Flora, if I can give you one word of advice concerning Mr. Ortega, it’s to ask no questions. If he wants you to know, he’ll tell you. It’s best that way.”
Now I know Gretchen is discreet I relax a little. Any secrets inside these walls will not spill from her lips and that includes my own. It settles my nerves and makes me comfortable and, for the first time since I arrived, I relax. I’m home.
As always, we travel in convoy and head to my casino in the center of Vegas. Business is good and for the most part trouble free, but there has been talk of my manager not playing by the rules that has irritated me.
Sylvester Brennan has run my casino for ten years, which makes me wonder if something has happened to change his loyalty. Thousands of dollars aren’t making it into my bank account and after a spy operation, we discovered he was pocketing the cash.
“Any news on his family?” I ask Pasquale, who sits beside me and frowns at his phone.
“His wife left him last year and took the kids with her. They live in Miami and word is she’s got a new boyfriend.”
“Anybody we know?”
“Hardly, he’s a doctor. I’m guessing she’s had enough and wants a respectable life for once.”
“It happens.” I shrug, wondering how I’d feel if Flora decided this wasn’t for her and took up with an accountant or something like that. I hate the mere thought of that and snap, “His bank account. What’s the story there?”
I raise my eyes.
“He’s been in the red since she left.”
“She cleaned him out?” I’m mildly interested, but Pasquale just laughs. “He has an expensive habit.”
Now I sit up because if he’s pissing my money on drugs and women, there is no hope for his future, meaning he hasn’t got one when I get my hands on him.
Pasquale shrugs. “He’s a victim of circumstance. Addicted to gambling and streetwalkers.”
“You’re kidding.” I stare at him in astonishment because Sylvester could fuck any of the staff if he wanted to. He’s a man of power in this town and the women that flock to the casinos would be turned on by that.
“Why is he paying for something he could get for free? It doesn’t make sense.”
Pasquale laughs out loud and says with a wicked grin, “Apparently, he thrives on the danger. He fucks them in dark alleys where anyone could see them. The dirtier the whore, the harder he comes.”
I’m not sure what to think about that and sigh heavily. “The gambling. Where?”
“Private games in rival casinos. House parties and clubs. He’s in deep.”
I lean back against the leather upholstery and exhale sharply. “How much?”
“Two hundred thousand dollars.”
Now there is no way back for Sylvester Brennan. Unless he has an extremely good card up his sleeve, his death is about to be a long and painful one.
* * *
We headinto my casino like avenging demons and as the customers part to let us through, I set my mood to bastard. My soldiers surround me as we move through a gambler’s paradise in search of the one man who is about to learn that gambling is extremely bad for your health.
The stench of greed and desperation fill my lungs and gives me the energy I need to deal with a man who should have known better.Don’t piss in your own back yard. It’s the golden rule, one that he’s broken and is about to pay dearly for.