Page 51 of The Enforcer

“No!” I glare at him furiously. “I want to see her. I’m not afraid of her anymore.”

“It doesn’t look like that.” He says with an arch of his brow, and I attempt to stop my voice from shaking as I whisper, “Please, Dom. I need to face my fears.”

He nods and says with a grim determination. “Then we settle this together. I won’t let her hurt you again.”

Pasquale falls into step behind us and as we approach the house, my nerves are rattling as I prepare to face my demons.

Dom leads us to a door not far from the entrance and I note the two soldiers standing on guard outside and shiver. Their menacing expressions tell me this is serious and as Dom approaches, he nods, and the door opens as if by magic. I’m grateful for his strong hand holding mine as we head inside the room as one unit and I see her standing by the window, looking as if she’s come for tea, not to wreck my life.

“Flora.” She stumbles toward me, her arms outstretched as if she’s fearful for me and is keen to check I’m ok. “I was so worried. Where have you been? What happened to you? It’s all my fault.”

Before she can reach me, Dom pulls me behind his massive body and snarls, “Back off, bitch. Flora doesn’t want to see you and neither, as it happens, do I.”

She stops short and stares at us with confusion swirling in her large, baby blue eyes. As actresses go, Diana has always been an outstanding one, and she wipes a tear away and whispers, “Dom. It’s me, Diana. You know how I feel about you. Please don’t use my sister to get revenge on me.”

She blinks as if she’s innocent as fuck and says in a soft voice, “What happened between us was special. You may not believe me, but it was always you. Your father, he, well, he forced me to marry him, and I was scared, not only for myself but also for you.”

Dom openly laughs and snarls, “It was always me you say. What about my two brothers, oh and my father as well? You are convincing, but you forget I know you, Diana, and this is all an act, as much as your concern for your sister.”

“I love my sister.” Her voice is fierce and to any stranger listening, they would think Dom was being cruel and heartless, but we both understand what this woman is capable of, and her words are wasted on us.

I step from behind my protector and say sadly, “Please leave. You are no longer my sister. What you did to me was inexcusable and I will never forgive you.”

Diana peers around in confusion and then takes a step back, her hand flying to her throat. “No! Please tell me it’s not true.”

“What isn’t true?” Dom laughs out loud.

“The two of you—together.”

Dom shakes his head and pulls me closer. “Your eyes don’t deceive you. I found a better woman that’s worth my attention and there is no place for you in our lives, so turn around and get the fuck out of my house.”

The rage inside me is about to rain retribution down like bullets and suddenly, she softens her voice and tears fall down her cheeks like diamonds.

“Please help me.”

She glances around her and whispers, “I need your help, Dom. Mario is behind everything. He is blackmailing me to take over your father’s business, and I have no choice but to play along.”

She gazes between us and sobs, “I never wanted to involve you, Flora. Mario forced me to include you in his wicked world. Please help me escape. You did it; you could help me too.”

I make to speak, and Dom claps loudly and snorts. “You almost had me fooled there, but I shouldn’t be surprised, you always were a master at that.”

I watch in fascination as her eyes narrow and she hisses, “I want to speak to you alone, Dom.”

“No!” I object, and she laughs derisively.

“Look at you, Flora, desperate to be relevant. You wereneverrelevant, always controlled by someone, and that hasn’t changed. Do you really think Dom wants you?”

She laughs in my face. “It’smehe wants. Has always wanted and you are the poor imitation who will do until he works out a way to make that happen and for your information, unless you haul your ass back home with me, you’re heading straight to jail for murder.”

I step back and her eyes gleam as she throws threats like punches. “If you think I’m leaving you here with him, you’re mistaken. There’s a cab waiting and if I’m not in it, Mario is waiting to report me missing. He also has everything he needs to file charges against you, Flora, for the murder of Maisy Edwards.”

She turns to Dom. “The same goes for you. I know you both stole my money and I want it back. You have twenty-four hours to return it, and if you fail, you will be arrested for the murder of Senator Billings. We have enough evidence to send you down for life, so nice try people, but I win.”

I am so afraid because I know my sister, and these are not empty threats. Then Dom steps forward with a menacing glare and snaps, “Nothing you say or do can change our minds. You have fuck all against us and like your heart your threats are empty. So, fuck off, darlin’ and tell your puppet master to watch his back.”

Without another word, Dom pulls me out of the room and snarls to Pasquale, “Throw the bitch out.”

Diana shouts after us, “You’ll regret this, Dom. Twenty-four hours. That’s all you’ve got and don’t say I didn’t warn you.”