I shake my head. “Maybe not, but I want to know, anyway. I deal with a lot of shit in my life, Flora, and now I want to deal with yours.”
She pulls back and, seeing her eyes sparkling in the dim lighting of the room, rips the breath from inside me because I don’t believe I have ever seen a woman as beautiful as the one in my arms.
“Why?” She smiles and, reaching up, strokes my face gently and as I lean into her hand, I say huskily, “Because you need someone to fight for you. To have your best interests at heart and to keep you safe.”
“Why do you want to be the one to do that?”
She can’t disguise the pleasure in her voice and the way her eyes lit up when I spoke. I’m shocked to experience a softening in my heart that I wasn’t expecting as I hold this beauty in my arms. She is so vulnerable, so soft and delicate and for a man like me it’s kryptonite and I whisper, “Because you need me.”
She stares in wonder and, to my surprise, leans forward and gently touches my lips with hers. It takes me by surprise because usually any woman in my arms is there for a price and never looks at me the way Flora did just then. I recognized the yearning in her eyes that I know a lot about. She is as lost as I am, and I suppose that’s why she appeals to me so much.
As her lips press against mine, it focuses my entire mind on her.
I freeze, reluctant to do anything to disturb this incredible moment and as she slides her hand inside my open shirt, she whispers, “I’ve never wanted to make love as much as I want to now.”
Love. The one word that escapes anyone in my position and I reach out and grab it quickly before it disappears into the dense fog surrounding my soul. Just once I give into the desire to experience something so pure, I never believed it would happen to me.
“Does that shock you?” She whispers against my lips, and I laugh softly. “A little.”
“Good.” Her soft giggle dives deep inside my heart, and I wonder what she will do next. For some reason it has to come from her because the last thing I want is to scare this fragile creature away and as she gazes into my eyes, she blushes a little as she whispers, “Please Dom, show me what it’s like, just once.”
Idon’t even recognize myself anymore. Who is this wanton harlot who is begging to be fucked?
My vow of celibacy lies discarded at my feet, laughing up at me as I plead with the man in my arms to give me something I’ve never had. Love.
I’ve been fucked countless times and hated every second of it. However, somewhere in the far recesses of my mind, I always hoped that one day things would change for me. That somebody would see the girl, not the body and definitely not the whore. As soon as I met Domenico Ortega, I knew I wanted it to be him. Whatever happens after is something I will have to deal with, but now, in this delicious moment, I want to be normal for once in my life and experience what everyone else takes for granted.
I wait for his reaction, fully expecting him to laugh in my face, but I’m surprised when he smiles and his eyes glitter with an emotion I can’t quite place.
Then he reaches out and unbuttons the shirt I dressed in and as the fabric slides off my shoulder, he whispers, “You are so beautiful, Flora.”
My nipples stand erect as they crave his touch already, and I watch with a hunger that scares me a little as he leans back and removes his own shirt, revealing the warrior that hides behind.
I shiver as he stands and unfastens his belt, the memory of similar actions making my heart beat a little faster and he must sense my fear because he whispers, “I won’t hurt you. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. Say stop at any time and I will, no questions asked. Do you understand the rules, baby girl?”
The rules. Not really. Not these rules. I understand the ones that were drummed into me, courtesy of Mario and Diana. The ones where I put up, shut up and spread my legs. The one where I don’t question and accept they are looking after me and to be grateful for that. Understand that the drugs they fed me were for my own comfort and to help keep me safe and the rule where I was their prisoner with no hope of release.
However, these rules are ones I can agree to, so I nod my head and prepare to discover what desire feels like.
As Dom’s cock springs free, I can’t look away and as he stands before me naked and so buff, I can’t stop drooling over him, I reach out and tentatively touch the hard cock of a man who I’m guessing knows exactly what to do with it.
I glance up, almost as if I need permission, and say breathlessly, “May I?”
He touches the top of my head and nods. “This is all for you, baby. You’re calling the shots now.”
For some reason that makes me smile because when have I ever called the shots and as I dip my head, I press my lips against the throbbing phallus and his low hiss gives me all the power I need to open my mouth and slide it home.
As his cock fills my mouth, I close my eyes and relish the taste of him. Smooth, like velvet and the most delicious treat. I cup his balls and roll them around my hands, sucking gently to give him as much pleasure as I can possibly give.
He stands rigid before me and I take comfort from that, encouraging me to be bolder and suck harder, moving him gently in and out of my hungry lips.
I love the way it throbs in my mouth as he groans and says with a tortured sigh, “Carry on and it will be over before it began.”
It makes me smile against the soft stretched skin and, disregarding his words, I carry on with my pleasure. Back and forth, sucking, licking and teasing, I give Domenico Ortega the blow job of his life.