At least he doesn’t strike me, that’s the only plus I can get from this situation and as he finishes up after leaving me broken and ruined, I fight against the ever-present tears that reinforce my life may as well be over.
“Thanks darlin’, I’ll give you a good report.”
He dresses quickly, anxious to get on with his day and as he heads outside, I relish the sound of his footsteps walking away from me, knowing that it won’t be long before others take their place.
By the time the door opens, I have scrubbed every inch of my body with soap that smells of sin and depravation and my heart drops when my sister stands before me, holding a glass of water along with a contraceptive pill.
“Chuck seemed pleased.” She says, as if discussing a successful day at the office and I suppose it was—for her. For them.
As I silently take the glass and pill from her hand, my heart hardens against the people who hold me captive and use me as a golden goose. Not that Diana is averse to taking my place. If anything, she gets off on it.
She glances at the watch strapped to her dainty wrist. “The party starts in two hours. Maybe get some sleep. I’ll send some food up; you’ll need your strength.”
“Please Diana.”
Her eyes narrow at the plaintive whisper in my voice and the tears gathering in my eyes. “Please what?” Her voice is rasping, telling me not to even go there but I must try. Surely somewhere deep inside her heart our blood counts for something.
“Let me go.” I whisper and may as well have saved my breath because I’m rewarded with a stinging slap across my cheek and note the fury on her face.
“You ungrateful bitch.” She hisses. “After everything Mario has done for us. You want to walk away and not pay him back for giving us a home and keeping us off the streets?
“I could get a job.” My voice sounds pathetic as I state the obvious, and her low laugh of derision makes my heart sink.
“You have a job, and you should be grateful we keep you safe. It’s not the same as on the streets. There’s a different type of customer that prowls them.”
She grabs my shoulders and shakes me, the fury blazing from her eyes as she hisses, “Why are you so ungrateful? I’ve done everything possible to care for you, sister, and this is how you repay me. If you speak any more about leaving, I’ll let Mario deal with you.”
At the sound of his name, the blood freezes in my veins and, terrified, I gasp, “Please no.”
Her eyes narrow and a sinister smile settles on her lips. “Then never ask to leave again. Just lie back and know that this is the best it gets for both of us.”
As she casts a derisive glance in my direction, she heads for the door, and I almost consider raising the lamp beside my bed and bringing it down on her evil head. Then again, my chance would be a fleeting one because the only way out of here is past the man who guards his possessions so securely and makes certain the only way to freedom is through him.
As she leaves and I hear the key turn in the lock, I fight back the tears, knowing if I have any chance of surviving this, I must wait patiently for the moment to present itself. The first chance I get I’m running and it’s up to me to make sure it’s to a place they will never find me.
Desdemona has surprised me. I never had her down as vulnerable before, but whatever she has heard is scaring the shit out of her.
She is waiting for my decision, and I swear she’s not even breathing as her eyes stare straight at me and the blood has drained from her skin.
“No.” I bark out, causing her to shake and say wildly, “Please, you must let Flora go.”
“Why should I?” I lean forward and snarl. “This is not my problem. You were happy enough to send her off with a fucking rapist in the name of business. You knew what that man was capable of and yet you didn’t give Flora a second thought. All you cared about was selling a fucking painting, so no, Miss. Gray. Request denied.”
I stand and frown down on the woman who appears to be in shock and say through gritted teeth. “Now fuck off out of my home and never come back.”
I’m surprised when she falls to her knees and sobs, “Please, I’ll do anything. Don’t turn me away. I’m well…” She peers up at me, the tears pouring down her face as she whispers, “I’m afraid.”
“Of what, exactly?”
I fold my arms and appear disinterested, and she gulps, “Your stepmother.”
“You don’t even know the bitch.” I snap angrily and she shakes her head.
“I wish that was true.”