Page 57 of The Demon

For a second there is silence, broken only by the sob from deep inside Winter’s heart as she races forward, Alessandro right by her side. The rest of us stare in shock as a man who looks like Satan himself heads inside with a woman holding Frankie in her arms.

Winter stops short of her, the tears streaming down her face as she gasps, “Frankie!”

She reaches for him slowly and with hesitation, and Lauren smiles as she hands him gently to his mother.

We all stare in shock as she kisses her son and buries her face against his soft head and if any scene breaks my heart and then mends it almost as quickly, it’s this one. There is not a dry eye here as Winter turns to Alessandro and sobs, “Meet your son, Alessandro. This is Frankie.”

The emotion on the usual dark scowling face of The Beast causes the tears to flood the room as he reaches out his enormous hand and strokes his son’s hair, a break in his voice as he whispers, “He’s perfect.”

Nobody wants to interrupt and as the two parents huddle together as one family unit, there is total silence as we celebrate the moment they become a family at last.

Winter turns to Baron and his wife and the gratitude in her eyes is evident even from across the room, and her voice breaks as she whispers, “Thank you, Baron. I will never be able to repay you for bringing our son home.”

I stare at the man with curiosity because, despite the men surrounding me, I’ve never met a man like Baron Fitzgerald in my life.

If I thought Malik was an enigma, this man broke the mold because his dark, unemotional eyes, are just watching the scene before him with interest. His dark hair dusts his shoulders, and his black stubble only serves to add drama to a face that definitely doesn’t need any and the way his eyes glitter tells me there are an ocean of secrets hiding behind them and for some reason I shiver inside. This man scares the hell out of me.

He nods and a wry smile twists his lips as he faces the parents of the baby who has been missing for so long.

“It’s good to see you all where you belong.”

He casts his eyes around the room and then Alessandro steps forward and, to everyone’s surprise, pulls Baron roughly against his body and hugs him hard.

“Thank you.”

His voice is loaded with emotion as he thanks the man responsible for bringing his son back and even Baron’s wife Lauren wipes a tear from her eye and stares at him with compassion.

Angelo steps forward and does the same, followed by every single member of Club Mafia and I have never seen an entrance like this in my life.

Once he has been thanked by every person here, I step forward and face the man myself and say shyly, “I’m Eliza. I was Frankie’s nanny, and I can’t thank you enough for bringing him home.”

His eyes glitter as he nods and for some reason, he winks and whispers, “I’m happy it all worked out for you.”

Then he takes his wife’s hand and says loudly, “Maybe we should toast the success of our blood pact, because if I’m not mistaken, every last piece of the puzzle is in place.”

As we head deeper into the room, I can tell there are many questions that need answers, but for now, everyone is just content to welcome Frankie home.

Winter can’t tear her eyes away from him, and the pure joy in her expression makes my heart melt. Baron’s right, it appears that everyone here has their happily ever after, making me believe that there was something in those books in my library after all.



We’re all in shock. Baron turning up with Frankie is a plot twist none of us saw coming. I’m guessing I’m not the only one who wants answers and so, as we all settle down with our drinks, we wait for Baron to explain.

Angelo is the first to speak up. “I think we need to hear this, Baron.”

He nods, his gaze flicking toward Winter with almost an apology in his eyes, and he speaks to her first. “Nobody should experience the trauma you’ve lived through, and seeing you now makes everything worth it. I always knew you were a strong woman, Winter, even when we spoke about the future at Rockwell, but you took it to a whole different level, and I want to say I’m proud of you.”

Winter nods, the tears sliding from her eyes. “To be honest, I couldn’t have got through it without your words, Baron.”

He says nothing, and she smiles. “You always told me that if we wanted to change things, we had to wait for the opportune moment. It became my mantra and the only thing to cling to through the pain. Then when I brought Massimo down, it was your voice whispering in my ear and I will never be able to repay you. You gave me the strength I needed, and I will always be grateful for that.”

He nods and then turns to Alessandro. “You were both fortunate and unlucky not to know about your son. You were spared the torture of knowing there was nothing you could do to help him.”

“What are you saying, Baron?” Alessandro’s voice is hard as we sense Baron knows a lot more about this than we first thought.

Baron nods. “We all knew Winter was taken by Massimo against her will. It was our greatest fear come true, and knowing we were weak and unable to help made it worse. So, when you all stepped up and took control and set about building your empires, I tried to help in my small way.”