Page 6 of The Demon

Her barbed reply disappoints me a little and I shake my head. “I see you are of the same stubborn mind than when I left you.”

“Because it’s the truth, asshole.”

She spits her venom and I sigh with disappointment.

As I place the glass down next to the jug, I say in a voice devoid of any emotion. “You are rewarded for information. A glass of water for a location. Life or death, I’m not certain you’ve grasped how serious this is.”

“You would let me starve to death on your silk sheets.” She allows a small laugh to escape, demonstrating she has no fear at all.

“This baby must be very important to you. Is he yours?”

“Nice try, Eliza, but we both know who Frankie is. What I don’t understand is why you are protecting the person who has him now?”

“I haven’t a clue what you are talking about.”

“But you do, and we both know it.”

As I lean down, I can almost smell her fear as my breath flutters against her ear and I whisper, “A name in exchange for your release. A location is all I seek. As I said, you would be rewarded with your freedom. Think about it. A new identity brings with it a fresh start. Isn’t that what you wanted all along?”

“You know nothing about me.” She bites back and I reach out and trace a light path down her face and allow my fingers to rest against her neck. She stiffens as I whisper, “I know everything about you, Eliza Ortega, except how good you taste. How your skin would slide against mine and how loudly you would moan my name when I drive you to the point of agonized ecstasy.”

She stiffens and only her rapid breathing tells me I was right because I’m not blind and her body is betraying her in the most brutal way because she is so turned on by this situation it’s having the same effect on me.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

Pressing in deeper against her windpipe, I can tell she’s afraid as her breath hitches and her pupils dilate and I say huskily, “I’m guessing if I dropped my hand lower, your desire would be waiting for me. I think you like this, Eliza. I’m guessing you are getting off on playing the captive. It excites you and you are desperate to experience what it would be like—with me.”

“I hate you.” She tries to disguise the yearning, but it comes through loud and clear, and I reach for the water and drop a small droplet onto her lips, loving the way her tongue reaches for it with an urgent need. I drop some more moisture onto her lips and then some more until it cascades down her neck and spills onto her breasts. She gags a little and her eyes are wide as I refill the glass and hold it to her lips. “More my angel?”

Her eyes widen with fear as I run my hand around the back of her head and grip her hair tight, forcing her head back, exposing her throat to me. With one sudden move, I grip her mouth, forcing her lips apart and pour the water clean down her throat, causing her to cough and gag as she drowns in the surge of liquid. I watch in fascination as her eyes water and she tries desperately to breathe and as she struggles for air, I place my hands around her throat and squeeze. Then as her eyes fill with terror, I whisper darkly, “A name and a location, Eliza; be a good girl and do what you’re told.”

Her body strains against the bonds that secure her in place, and she thrashes as she tries to survive the gentle pressure I force on her neck, and I’m pleased to see that her angry look has been quickly replaced by one of fear.

As she struggles against my hand, I say with a low growl, “I will take you to the edge of insanity. I will kill you a million times over and bring you back to life to do it all over again, and I will enjoy every fucking minute of it. You will lie here at my mercy for as long as I fucking say so, and you can stop it anytime you like by giving me the information I require.”

Her eyes are full of unshed tears as she battles to survive and reluctantly, I release her and watch with interest as she takes deep gasps of air. Standing, I look down at her shivering body that lies in the water I spilled and growl, “The temperature will soon dip. Night will come and you will freeze.”

Heading over to the floor to ceiling window, I open it, allowing a burst of fresh mountain air into the room and say over my shoulder, “Enjoy the night air, Eliza. Maybe you will remember who is in control around here and save yourself from a humiliating experience.”

Without another word, I spin on my heels and leave, wondering how long she can hold out against such basic torture methods. If anything, I hope it’s soon, but then again it would spoil my pleasure because I have only just got started.



Ithought I was going to die and in that moment, I prepared for it. I wanted it and I deserve it. Life is overrated anyway, and it would be so easy to give in and raise my hand in surrender. The trouble is, it would be a fleeting respite because all the new identities in the world couldn’t protect me fromthem.

The tears slide from the corners of my eyes as I push the memory away that sits like a demon on my shoulder. It makes my chest tighten to the point my heart almost gives out on me because nothing can be worse than what’s waiting back at home.

Home is not a place that means safety to me. It means death and not an easy way out. It would be slow, painful and degrading, which is why I will never spill my secret. It’s all I have; my secret weapon that nobody but me knows about and if I blurted it out in a moment’s panic, I may as well drive the dagger into my own heart and get it over with.

My mind works overtime as I struggle to think of a way out of this situation. The information he seeks is not an option, but I may be able to turn this to my advantage. I just need to think everything through and make certain I’m protected in the best way possible because my only way out of this madness is to kill them all.

The chill from the window caresses my body, dousing the flames his touch ignited. I despise this need that’s growing by the second for the man who has held me captive with no emotion at all. He is an enigma, a dark force and a man with no soul. I recognize that in him, and I crave every bit of it. Just his hands on my body were enough to lower my defenses because in that moment, all I wanted was his body inside mine.

To feel protected, to be part of someone. Shielded from view while they setup home inside me. I need a strong man; I’ve always known that, and I’m guessing a man like him is stronger than most. Dark, cunning, and manipulative. Short on words, but many promises hang in the air. Why do I crave the darkness so much? I should run from it and turn my face toward the light, but that’s not me. I’m more like my father than I’d prefer because pain, humiliation, and anger are something I understand. Love has no place in my world, and why would I want that, anyway? It’s protection I seek now and that must come from a stronger man than the ones who seek to destroy me.

Is it him? The demon circling, waiting to strike. In my heart, I know it is and if I survive the night, he may just be interested in hearing what I have in mind.