As the car stops in a large courtyard, I note the beautiful fountain that sparkles in the center. All around me is the usual marble and expensive decoration that I have come to expect living this life. Somehow it feels different now I’m walking in alongside Malik. It’s as if I have a purpose and I will do everything I can to help these people find little Frankie. I owe it to them and so as we head through the door, I set my mood to battle stations.
* * *
The first personwe see is an elderly man who stares at us, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. “Mr. Karim.”
He addresses Malik respectfully, who replies, “Roberto. Will I find them in the usual place?”
He nods. “They are waiting for you, sir.”
Malik grips my hand hard as we follow Roberto through beautiful white corridors, tastefully decorated with art and amazing floral decorations, and as he opens a large wooden door, we step inside.
“Mr. Karim and Miss. Ortega.”
He announces us as if we’re visiting royalty and I almost want to hide behind Malik when I see the reception waiting for us.
There is quite a crowd watching our arrival and then a beautiful woman pushes her way through and runs to greet us, her anxious expression telling me immediately who she is.
“Winter.” Malik confirms what I thought, and she faces us with tears streaking her cheeks. “Where is he?”
I think my heart is about to break when a man, at least I think he’s a man because quite honestly, he resembles a beast, steps to her side and pulls her back against his chest. “Let him speak, baby.”
My heart goes into free-fall when I see the pain in his eyes, and I feel responsible for that. I took their baby and left him with a stranger. How can I explain that away?
Ignoring Malik, I step forward and say anxiously, “I’m so sorry.”
“What is she saying?” Winter looks as if she’s about to pass out and Malik says in a firm voice, “Eliza was Frankie’s nanny. When you left for Scarpetta, she was told to gather Frankie and leave.”
“Who told you?” Winter stares straight into my eyes and I say feebly, “One of Massimo’s servants.”
“I don’t understand.”
Malik says, “I think you should all listen to what Eliza has to say because then we stand a better chance of finding Frankie.”
The disappointment mixed with agony on Winter’s face is hard to deal with and as I follow Malik into the scariest room I’ve ever been in, I’m grateful that he holds my hand tightly, giving me the courage I need.
We sit on a couch, and I am freaking terrified. The menace that swarms around me is a lot to deal with. I’m used to the mafia; hell, I’ve lived with the freaking self-styled Mafia King my entire life, but this is something else.
Four men are staring at me as if I’m public enemy number one. The Beast of a man terrifies me the most, but the others compare favorably. I swallow hard when I glance around and note the intense stares directed my way and shrivel in my seat as one of them addresses me.
“Don’t be afraid, Eliza, nobody here means you any harm. We just want to discover where Frankie is.”
Malik squeezes my hand and says gruffly, “This is Angelo, Winter’s brother. We call him The Boss.”
He points to a man with bleached blonde hair and the eyes of a lunatic who is staring at me with an intensity I can almost taste.
“That mad bastard over there is Flynn and the Savage beside him is Ivan. You’ve met Alessandro and Winter, of course. The women beside them are their wives, Jasmine, Louisa and Charlotte. We are all family, and you can trust every person here. Speak freely and tell them what you know, and then we can work out how to bring Frankie back to us.”
I take a deep breath and nod, hating that my voice shakes as I tell them everything. From the moment I stepped off the bus at Los Angeles to the moment Malik found me in Zurich. I don’t stop for breath and can hardly look at them because I feel responsible somehow. It’s as if I’ve failed them and I’m not loving myself at this moment in time.
When I finish, there is silence and then, to my surprise, Winter stands, and heads my way, dropping to her knees before me. She ignores the tears running down her face and reaches out, pulling me close and whispers, “Thank you.”
I feel like a fraud, and she says with a sob, “You cared for Frankie so well. He was always happy and comfortable, and I have you to thank for that.”
As she sobs on my shoulder, my own arms wrap around her to offer her comfort and for a moment, there is silence as everyone present watches the scene in front of them.
After a while, she pulls back and shakes her head sorrowfully. “You kept him alive when he could have been caught up in the explosion. I owe you my eternal debt for that.”
Alessandro moves toward her and taking her hand, pulls her up and into his immense arms, kissing the top of her head, his eyes glittering with pain.