Page 31 of The Demon

Angelo growls.“Fucking bastard.”


I snap my mind to business. “We do everything we can to trace that cab and find the identity of this enigma. In the meantime, my plan goes ahead to free Eliza from her father. I’ll attempt to gain access to his computer and discover if there is anything there to help us.”

“Do you really think you can?”Angelo sounds doubtful and I roll my eyes, just grateful he can’t see me. “Of course, it will be easy.”

“I’d hate to be your enemy, Malik.”Angelo barks back and I say smoothly, “Tell that to the Mafia King, whoever he is. One thing’s for sure, if heisreal, I’ll find him, and he had better have a very good explanation why he has your nephew.”

Angelo growls,“Do what you must, but do it quick. Winter is going out of her mind with grief, and I’m having a hard time holding Alessandro back. Flynn and Ivan are doing what they can to help, but we’re running around in circles. I’ll get them started on breaking a few heads open to find the information we need and if I discover anything you can use, I’ll be in touch.”

“Stay safe, brother.” I say with a sigh, and he says softly,“You too. I believe you will find Frankie; I have every faith in you.”

He cuts the call, and it leaves me with a hollow feeling inside. I may have discovered a name, but it could lead to a very dead end. One thing’s certain, I will die trying to find Frankie and the best way I can is to deal with the rather more domestic issues that are now only a few hours away.

* * *

I wasteno time in heading back to Eliza and find her staring at the ceiling looking terrified. She is shivering and I hate what I did to her, but I couldn’t waste another moment. I had to break her defenses and learn the truth.

The way I did it doesn’t sit well with me because torturing women has never been something I’ve enjoyed. Not to say I haven’t, multiple times in fact, which is why I need to step away from the madness that I live with under my father’s rule.

I untie Eliza and say gently, “I’m sorry my angel, you gave me no choice.”

The fact she is so cold causes me concern and my soul shifts when I see the sadness dancing in her eyes.

She doesn’t even glance at me and so I scoop her up and tuck her under the covers, stroking her head and whispering, “Sleep. You must be exhausted.”

She looks afraid. “You’re leaving me.”

“I’ll leave you to sleep. I have work to do.”

She nods but her lower lip trembles, making me feel like the biggest bastard alive and she nods, her lashes dusting her cheeks as the tears slide from under them.

“I’m so afraid, Malik.”

Her voice breaks and for some reason it starts off a chain reaction I never saw coming.

I feel helpless and responsible and so I pull back the sheets and climb into the bed with her, pulling her soft body against mine and stroking her back gently.

“Never be afraid when I’m with you, Angel. Even when I’m angry with you, I have your best interests at heart.”

“Tell that to my ass.” She gulps and I reach down and gently stroke her flaming cheeks, hating how she gasps with pain.

“I’ll fetch you something for that.”

“Please don’t go.” She tightens her grip and I lean down and kiss the top of her head, hating that I’m the one who caused her tears to fall.

“Malik.” Her voice is unsure, but she’s obviously going there anyway as she says fearfully, “You’re sending me back. I heard you.”

“Do you trust me, Eliza?” I inhale and then exhale sharply with frustration.


I hate her answer and yet I deserve it and I say with a low growl, “That conversation was for Ali’s benefit.”

“I don’t understand?”

“It means that I need him to believe I’m arranging a deal with your father. It’s for my own personal reasons because if my father uncovered my intentions toward you, he would hand you over himself.”