“Ali. Do you have any information for me?”
I instructed Ali to do some digging on the man they call the Mafia King, and he nods respectfully.
“There are several reports of a man who is known by that title. Many believe it to be Giovanni Ortega. Probably because he tells people often enough. He has basked in that title for many years, but on further investigation, the whispered words in the shadows are not referring to him at all.”
“What do they say?” I sit up and take notice because this is news to me and he replies, “That he is the most feared Mafia Don in the world. If you go against him, you die, and all your wealth is seized. There are rumors that Massimo Delauren was on his trail. He was intent on discovering his identity and many understood he was close.”
“I see.” This is news because I’m fast learning there is a wider picture that I didn’t see until now because I’ve been focusing on the one concerning Club Mafia.
“It appears that Eliza Ortega was taken to Massimo with a specific job in mind. To care for the young baby in his charge. Records reveal that the baby was not his. He had a son many years ago and his wife died in childbirth. Many understood it to be Flynn Vasquez, but ultimately, it turned out to be a daughter who was sent to live with an English family. The baby Eliza was caring for was the son of Mrs. Delauren and Alessandro Majerio, which was why we were sent to find him. However, nobody knows where the baby is now, or they are unwilling to get involved out of fear of recriminations.”
“Somebody must know where he is.”
I am so frustrated, and Ali nods. “We are working on that, starting with the cab company they used.”
“What can you tell me concerning that?”
“Nothing, I’m afraid.”
“I don’t understand.”
Ali sighs heavily. “The owner told me he knows nothing, and that the driver has left his employment.”
“Did you get a name?”
“Vincent Drago, sir, but on further investigation, there is no such person.”
“A cover then.”
“Apparently so, sir.”
I ball my fist because this is getting us nowhere. Whoever this Mafia King is, he has covered his tracks well, and it’s doubtful we will ever get to learn what happened to Frankie. I can almost taste bitter defeat and picture Winter and Alessandro’s devastation when they learn their son has gone forever.
I sit and ponder the problem and Ali says cautiously, “We are still working on it, sir. There must be something, or someone that will slip up; they always do.”
I nod, deep in my own thoughts, until the car stops outside my father’s office.
With a sigh, I prepare myself for more mind games and as we exit the car, I push aside emotion and drag out my inner bastard because to outfox a bastard, you need to be an even bigger one.
* * *
My father steps forward as soon as I reach his office, having endured the usual shit show of security to get here. He is hated for a reason and employs the most stringent protection, ensuring his life is a long and distasteful one.
He places his hands on either side of my head and kisses the top of it and as we shake hands, I register the danger deepening in his eyes and sigh inside. Here we go.
I sit before him and note we are alone, which I’m thankful for. His usual advisors are dismissed, and his close protection take up their positions outside the door.
“What have you discovered?”
He is straight to the point, and I carefully tell him Eliza’s story, leaving out my own emotional part in this.
When I finish, my father pulls on his beard and stares into my eyes, which should make me uncomfortable, but I’m so used to it, I expect nothing less.
“It appears that Giovanni is being controlled.” He says thoughtfully.
“I agree.”