It’s the steamy kind of heat, which means my shirt is not drying. I think about asking him to stop the truck and close his eyes so I can change into one of the many dry outfits I have in the backseat, but think better of it. I’m not sure if he would peek. I’m not sure if I’d want him to.

“The rain is getting worse,” Tyler says as we round another wide corner and see the rain flowing down the muddy road like a small creek. “I’m not sure if you’ll get your car out today.”

“But…” I have a luxurious hotel room waiting for me. A shower, a bed with dry sheets, and a mini bar. I can’t miss all that.

Even Tyler’s big pickup truck is slipping and sliding on the way up. He has to floor it at one point, and he looks concerned for a few seconds, but the big tires catch and we rocket up the road.

“After we call the tow truck what happens?” I ask.

He looks at me with those big brown eyes and I nearly gulp out loud. Now, I’mreallywondering what he has planned.

“Either Sam is going to come tow your truck off the mountain in the middle of a rainstorm, which is unlikely. Or, he’s going to wait until the sun is shining tomorrow and most of the mud has dried up to go and get it.”

“If he won’t do it today, would you give me a lift to the Greene Mountain Lodge?”

A branch slams into the windshield out of nowhere, falling from a tree hanging over the road. I scream. He doesn’t flinch.

The windshield wipers push it off as the rain continues to pound the truck.

“I shouldn’t even be driving now,” he says as he keeps his eyes focused on the road. “Driving back down the mountain and then returning is too dangerous. By then, the mud will be knee-deep if the road hasn’t washed away.”

“So, what am I supposed to do?”

He looks at me and my whole body squeezes tight. “You’re going to stay at my place.”


“You’re welcome to stay out in the rain if you’d prefer, but I have a nice warm bed and a hot shower.”

This time I do gulp out loud.

He pretends not to notice.

No big deal! Just spending the night with a hot mysterious mountain man. Alone. On his secluded mountain. Where no one can hear me scream. What’s not to like about that?

“Are you okay, princess?”

“Mmhm!” I quickly say with an awkward thumbs up.

I’m great! Totally fine! Not a worry in the world!

Oh my God… This will be my first night alone with a man…

This princess is royally screwed.



Ipull up beside my cabin and turn off the engine. The rain continues to pound on my truck, sounding like golf balls raining down on my roof.

That was a stressful drive. I didn’t want to worry Carrie, so I kept my cool, but we were in danger of losing control a few times. Good thing I sprung for the off-road tires. Her car wouldn’t have stood a chance.

When I think about what could have happened to her… Where her car could have ended up… Where she’d be right now if I hadn’t come along…

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to settle my nerves, telling myself that I got her. She’s under my protection now and I won’t let anything happen to her.

“This is your place?” she asks as she narrows her eyes, trying to see through the rain.