“What the hell is this?” I mutter as I slow to a stop on the muddy mountain. A car is parked in the middle of the road. “Fucking tourists…”

It happens a few times a year. City folk heading for Greene Mountain get off at the wrong exit and inevitably get lost. Some get stuck. One guy even drove up to my house and demanded to stay the night. It’s always a pain in the ass.

“Move!” I shout as I slam on the horn.

I can see the outline of the person’s head whipping around through the back window. I hit the horn again.

The door whips open and a young woman in her early twenties charges out. I don’t get a good look at her because her wet black hair is plastered to her face. Her teeth are clenched and she’s glaring at me with crazy eyes, looking like that psycho girl from The Ring.

“I’m stuck,obviously!” she screeches as she comes charging over, slipping and sliding in the mud with every step.

“What, do you think Iwantto be parked here on this goddamn mountain?! Like I’m just chilling here for fun?!”

My heart pounds a little harder when I see the fire in her bright blue eyes. Her clothes are drenched and they’re sticking to her body, showing off every delightful curve. Every time she swings her arms, those perky tits jiggle. They’re mesmerizing.She’smesmerizing. I can’t look away.

“But keep honking, asshole!” she hollers as she arrives at the hood of my truck. “It’s soooooo helpful!”

I roll down the window as she stomps through the mud with gritted teeth. Rain pours into my truck, drenching my arm and splattering all over my shirt, but I don’t care. This woman has got my full attention. I don’t want anything between us. I want to see her in full flawless view.

“Maybe your loud ass horn will magically wedge me out of the mud!” she shouts as she arrives at my door. “Or, maybe it will anger a bear and he can come push me out. Either way, keep honking! It’s sogoddamnconstructive!”

Her bare shoulders are rising up and down with every angry breath. She’s staring at me with her hands balled into fists.

“How long have you been out here?” I ask.

“A long fucking time!” she screeches.

The cold rain is pouring down on her. She looks freezing. Her skin has goosebumps all over it and her nipples are rock-hard. I’m trying not to look, but it’s damn near impossible.

“Come warm up in my truck,” I tell her. “I’ll put the heat on.”

I flick it on and the heater starts to roar as hot air is pushed out.

She swallows hard as she looks in my truck, the anger quickly dissipating out of her. “Oh yeah?”

“I’ll see what I can do about your car,” I say as I take off my seatbelt and open the door. She steps back as she watches me with those big blue eyes.

There’s something about this girl that fires up my protective instincts. I just want to take care of her. Get her warm. Get her fed. I want to take care of all her needs.Allof them.

“You look cold,” I tell her as I leave the door open. “Hop inside. It’s nice and warm.”

I don’t have to tell her a third time.

“Thank you,” she whispers as she rushes past me and climbs into my truck. My eyes drop to her nice round ass before she closes the door and takes it away.

Now, I’m the one drenched in the freezing cold rain. She doesn’t seem as concerned for me as I was for her.

I chuckle as I head to her car.Fuck…Those tires are sunk in deep. How did she even manage to do that?

There’s no getting her car out of that mess. I thought I might be able to push her forward or tow her back, but I’m just going to end up tearing apart her bumper and probably denting a rim. That car is in desperate need of a tow truck.

I suck in a breath and turn back. The sight of her behind the wheel with her wet hair slicked back stuns me to the core. She’s watching me with those big blue innocent eyes and it feels like a jolt of lightning to the heart. Like my whole life just flipped upside down.

I’m standing in the rain, staring at her in awe with a fluttering in my stomach.


She’s the one for me. I don’t know how I know, but I know.