I turn and grin when I see my man riding up the trail behind us on his giant black stallion. Tyler isn’t wearing a shirt so every single pair of eyes are locked on him; men and women.

The girl who whispered ‘wow’ is trying to secretly record him without anyone noticing. I just shake my head and laugh. I probably would have done the same thing.

His huge horse, Bucky, comes galloping over as Tyler grips the reins. He’s such a natural on a horse. It’s beautiful to watch. His long hair is loose, so it’s flowing out behind him in the breeze. He looks like an old Harlequin novel come to life.

And he’sallmine.

He gallops right up to me with a sexy grin on his lips. My insides go all mushy like they always do with this man.

My pulse races as he leans over and kisses me, his big beard tickling my chin.

I turn back to my group and they’re all staring at me in shock and awe.

“This is my husband, Tyler,” I say, proudly presenting him. “Owner of Greene Mountain Stables.”

“Co-owner,” he corrects as he puts his hand on my thigh. “My beautiful wife owns the other half.”

He’s so sweet. He wanted a real partnership in life and in business, so after we got married, he added me as co-owner of his company and part-owner of his house. I repeatedly told him he didn’t have to do that—that we should wait a few years at least—but he was adamant about it and insisted.

So, here I am, part-owner of a successful riding business, which means I officially own some horses! The one I’m riding on is my favorite. Her name is Lacy and I adore her. She’s never tried to throw me off or go faster than I’m comfortable with and she always gets so excited when she sees me, swinging her tail and pawing at the ground. She’s a real sweetheart.

“How are you feeling?” Tyler whispers, leaning in close. “Any nausea again?”

“I’m fine,” I say with a tight smile, even though I am feeling a bit nauseous. It’s the lavender flowers from the field up ahead. Usually, I love their smell, but right now, it’s making me want to shove my head between my legs.

Oh, yeah. I’m pregnant!

We found out a few weeks ago when the pregnancy test showed up positive. Tyler was so thrilled. He picked me up and spun me around, hollering like someone who just won the lottery. When he put me back down, he had tears in his eyes.

I can’t wait to see him as a father. He’s going to be an amazing dad, I just know it.

“You look a little green,” he whispers.

Oh great. He’s looking like a mountain God and I’m looking like a female version of Oscar the Grouch. It’s not fair. I want to be at my sexiest for him. We’ve only been together for a few months, which is much too early to be at my worst.

“I can finish up,” he says. “Ifyou want to get some rest.”

I’m about to fight him on this, but then decide against it. He’s such an amazing man. He doesn’t care that I’m not looking my best. He would still be in love with me if I was green, purple, or turquoise. He loves me for me.

“Okay,” I say as I gratefully squeeze his hand. “That would be nice.”

I’m still getting used to having someone watching out for me and wanting to help with everything. It’s going to take me some time to fully embrace it.

“Your pregnant guide is feeling a little bit nauseous,” I say to the group, “so Tyler will be taking over the rest of the ride.”

They all give a collectiveawww, even the girl who hasn’t taken her eyes off Tyler.

Oh yeah, I’m sure you’rereallydisappointed, I want to say to her with a roll of my eyes. I give her a tight smile instead.

“Rest up,” Tyler whispers with a nod. “You’ll need your energy later.”

I smile as I rub his arm in gratitude.

They continue on their way and I hang back on my horse to watch as Tyler points out different things around them. “Those are Eastern white pine trees and look on that one, you can see a brown-headed cowbird.”

“The other lady said that was a brown princess woodpecker,” an older man in the group says.

Whup! Time to go!