No note. No goodbye. No nothing.

It’s like he was never even here. His clothes are gone off the floor and all that’s left of him is a crushing sense of loss in my chest.

I guess that’s it…

I guess I’ve been played.

I’ll be going to the wedding alone after all.

Only now, I’ll be attending with a broken heart.



“Get ready, everyone,” Mia’s wedding coordinator says as she peeks into the church.

We’re standing in the hall, ready to walk down the aisle.

“Good luck!” Savannah says to Mia right before her and one of the groomsmen, Henry, walk down the aisle.

Elle and Thomas go next. Then, Lucy and Mark.

I turn to the bride and smile. She looks so happy. It makes my heart ache.

No sadness today,I remind myself.After the weekend, you can cry all you want. But today is all smiles and good vibes.

“Thank you for everything, Carrie,” Mia says with a smile full of gratitude. “Not just for the wedding. For our whole lives.”

Her father is smiling proudly as she holds his arm.

We’ve been best friends since grade one when Kyle Yule spilled my jar of yellow paint and she let me share hers.

“Carrie,” the wedding coordinator says, “you’re up!”

“I love you, toots,” I say with a wink. “Knock ‘em dead.”

We give each other one last smile, and then I’m turning around and strolling down the aisle.

The heartache returns. The loneliness is stifling. How could he change my whole world and then leave without saying goodbye?

This day is not about you. Keep it together for Mia.

I keep my shoulders back with a big smile on my face as I walk down the aisle toward the groom and the rest of the bridal party.

That’s when my hulking mountain man catches my eye.

Tyler is sitting in the crowd, nearly a head taller than everyone else. His sexy brown eyes are burning into me. I shiver with the full intensity of them aimed on my body.

Of course, he came. Why would you think anything different?

I feel like such an idiot. Of course, these feelings are real. Of course, he loves me. I’ll never doubt him again.

I walk the rest of the way down the aisle with a euphoric feeling of elation flowing through me. I can’t stop smiling. My eyes fill with tears.

I take my spot on the altar, too excited to think straight.

He came. Of course, he came.