“You didn’t tell me he looked likethat!” she whispers, freaking out.

“Like what?” I ask innocently.

“Like you can climb him like a mountain and fuck him standing up!”

“Keep your voice down!” I whisper with a giggle as I quickly look around. If anyone heard her, they’re not reacting to it.

“Did you have sex with him last night?”

I shrug innocently as I grin at her.

“You did!”

“And this morning.”

She gasps. “Carrie, you naughty girl! Iloveit. You have to tell me everything!”

“Not now! It’s your wedding rehearsal dinner!”

“I don’t care. I need to knoweverydetail.”

I shake my head as I hold in a laugh. “Shouldn’t we be rehearsing or something?”

“Fuck that,” she says as she crosses her arms and gives me a stern look. “Details. I want them. Now.”

I give her a quick rundown, starting from when we met up until now. She’s staring at me in awe when I’m finished.

“So, this is like… serious?”

“I think so.”

“Are you going to move out here?!”

I swallow hard. “I… I’m just going to enjoy the weekend and see what happens.”

My eyes drift over to Tyler. He’s talking to Mia’s weird uncle and my stomach sinks. I’ve been thinking non-stop about what happens when the wedding weekend is over. Would I be willing to leave Canada and move out here with this man I just met? My heart is screaming yes, but my brain is still unsure. I always have been practical in life, but I guess when it comes to matters of the heart, practical is not the way to go.

“I should go rescue him.”

“Probably a good idea,” Mia says. “Uncle Rob is probably talking to him about dead animals.”

She wishes me luck and I head over with my heart thumping away. I feel tingles of excitement mounting with every step I take toward this man.

“But my favorite animal to taxidermy are skunks,” Uncle Rob says. “It stinks up your house something awful, but it’s worth it for that final product.”

Tyler’s brown eyes widen in gratitude when he sees me. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Rob. We’ll talk some more later.”

He smiles politely at him and then hurries away, taking me with him.

“That guy is… strange.”

I giggle. “He gave Mia and Julian a stuffed possum for their engagement party.”

“What’s he going to give them for their wedding? A stuffed moose?”

I laugh as I cling to his arm. “I wouldn’t be surprised.”

We’re both staring at each other with big goofy grins on our faces like two lovestruck teenagers experiencing puppy love for the first time. The rest of the room fades away.