…and not wanting this to end.



The clocks are flashing when I wake up. The power is back. So is the sun.

Hopefully, Carrie and her friends will get a warm beautiful weekend for the wedding. I wish I could be there with her.

I turn around in bed and smile when I see her. My graceful little princess is spread out like a toddler—arms and legs spread apart, sheets all twisted around her, mouth wide open with a bit of drool on her chin.

My heart feels so full as I watch her breathing; her chest moving up and down. She’s wearing one of my T-shirts and it’s enormous on her. How can I let this girl go? How can I possibly go back to my old life without her?

I hope last night changed everything. It did for me.

I reach over and carefully wipe the drool from her chin with my finger. She stirs and then opens her eyes, stretching out as she looks at me through half-closed lids.

“Good morning,” I say as I wrap my arm around her and pull her body to mine. She feels so good. So soft and curvy. Even after a sex marathon last night, I still get hard immediately.

“Hey, you,” she says with a tired smile. We’re staring into each other’s eyes as I thread my fingers through her messy black hair, pulling it away from her face. She strokes my arm as she smiles at me.

I drag the back of my hand down her neck, over her breast, and then rest it on her hip.

That’s enough to do it.

A couple more innocent caresses and then we’re full-on mauling each other. The T-shirt she slept in is on the floor across the room and my hard cock is lodged in her tight warm pussy.

“Oh, Tyler,” she moans as I thrust in deep, taking her in the missionary position. “I dreamed about you all night.”

“I’m going to be dreaming about you every waking second for the rest of my life,” I tell her as I drive my hard cock into her heat with a steadfast rhythm.

It’s not long before we’re cumming all over each other and filling my cabin with cries of passion. It’s the perfect way to wake up.

* * *

An ugly silencehovers in my truck as I drive her to the Greene Mountain Lodge. It’s a thirty-five-minute drive, but I’m going so slow that it will take an hour at least. I want to spend as much time as I can with this girl before she runs out of my life.

I even think about swerving my truck into a tree, so I can have more time with her.

“Are you excited for the wedding?”

She’s staring out the window, deep in thought.

“Yeah.” She doesn’t sound excited. She sounds as depressed as I feel.

I take a deep breath as I turn the corner. We’re still in the mountains, surrounded by beautiful trees and lush vegetation. The road is still muddy from yesterday, but it’s drying up fast. Nothing my truck can’t handle.

“I’ll call Sam again and make sure that he gets your car,” I tell her as I squeeze the wheel, pretending that my heart isn’t breaking. “I’ll have him drop it off in the parking lot of the lodge for you.”

“Thank you,” she says in a quiet voice.

More silence. It feels like we’re headed to a funeral instead of a wedding.



“Can I ask you something? And can you be one hundred percent honest with me?”