“Are you laughing at me?”

She mocks indignation. “I wouldnever.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” I say as I put them down. “How many points is that?”

“Let’s see…” She’s teasing me as she puts the pencil to her lips and pretends to punch in a ton of numbers into an imaginary calculator. “Four points.”

“See? I’m catching up.”

“Yeah, keep it up and you’ll catch up to me in a hundred years.”

She focuses on her tiles and I focus on her. I love the way she scrunches her nose up when she concentrates. It’s adorable. I could watch her for hours. Just the most mundane things—playing board games, doing the dishes, lounging around on the couch—become endlessly fascinating with her to share them with.

I don’t want her to leave. I want her to be mine. I want to hold her and love her and taste her and grow old with her. I want it all.

Those eyes suddenly snap up and she swallows hard when she sees the way I’m looking at her. It’s probably too intense, but I can’t help it. I’m falling hard over here. I’m becoming obsessed. I feel it aching in my bones.

“What is it?” she asks in a small timid voice. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

I can say it’s nothing and get back to the game. I almost do. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of night. It’s a night for taking chances. For laying it all on the line. I’ll never forgive myself if I take the easy way out. If I play it safe. I’ll be thinking back to this moment for the next fifty years, cursing myself out for not telling her how I feel, for not taking a shot.

It’s time to be bold. To be adventurous. It’s time to make this girlmine.

“I’m falling for you, princess.”

Those blue eyes widen a little as she stares at me in shock. She licks her lips as my words sink in.

“The moment I saw you on the road, all frustrated and soaking wet, I knew.”

I shift closer to her. She doesn’t move away.

“I knew you were the one for me. The one I had to have. I knew that I could love you for the next hundred years. I knew that even if you got into your car and drove away, I’d still love you. I’d never stop.”

I don’t think she’s taken a breath since I started talking. A flush creeps up her neck and into her cheeks. I wish I could take a picture of her right now. I hope I never forget the way she’s looking at me.

“Let me kiss you.”

Her eyes drop to my mouth. She finally starts breathing again, but they’re quick excited breaths.

“I thought I was annoying you.”

I shake my head. “You could never annoy me, princess. Stay with me and I’ll worship the ground you walk on. I’ll treat you right. I’ll take care of every need you have.”

I push the table away and go to her. Her eyes never leave mine. The air ignites with heat as I hover my lips an inch over hers. I can feel her breath. I can taste it.

“Tell me you’re feeling the same,” I whisper on her mouth. “Tell me this isn’t one-sided.”

She doesn’t say a word, but she slowly nods her head.

“I need to hear it, princess. Tell me you want me.”

“I want you,” she says in a breathless, husky voice. “Like I’ve never wanted anyone.”

I press my lips to hers with a moan. They’re so soft. So sweet. I feel like the luckiest man in the world as I kiss this angel.

She parts her lips and I slide my tongue into her hot mouth. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck, holding her in place as I claim her mouth.

I’m never letting her go now. Not after tasting her sweetness. She’s going to be mine forever. I’ll make sure of it.