“Big tits?”

This guy doesn’t know when to stop.

“That’s enough,” I snap. “Can you come get her car?”

He bursts out laughing. Carrie’s frown deepens.

“No way. I’m three beers deep into the Red Sox game. Not interested.”

“I’ll pay you double,” Carrie says.

“Nope. Best I can do is come get it tomorrow.”

If he feels embarrassed about his rude comments now that he knows she’s listening, he’s not showing it. Knowing him, he doesn’t give a shit.

“It’s on the west side of my mountain,” I say. “Call me before you leave.”

“Yuppers,” Sam says and then abruptly hangs up.

“He seems charming,” Carrie says, looking like she has a bad taste in her mouth.

“Charming, no,” I answer as I watch her. “But he can drive the shit out of a tow truck.”

She folds her arms and holds her elbows as she looks around, which makes her tits squeeze together in the most tempting way.

“So, you can’t take me to the Greene Mountain Lodge?”

I shake my head. “It’s too dangerous.”

Plus, I’m not about to let her leave. I got one chance to make this princess fall in love with me and I’m not about to let it slip through my fingers.

I got her right where I want her.

Thunder cracks somewhere in the distance and the power goes out. The lights turn off. Our eyes meet. It’s silent except for the roar of the wind and the angry slamming of raindrops.

“We might as well get you comfortable,” I say as I head over to the fireplace and start crumpling up newspaper. “We’re not going anywhere tonight.”

She gulps.

“There’s a bathroom down the hall,” I tell her as I toss in some sticks and pieces of bark. “Go take a long hot shower and I’ll make us something to eat.”

“Okay,” she says in a tiny voice. She grabs her bag and heads down the hall. “I’ll just get naked. In this strange man’s house. Nothing to worry about at all.”

She’s whispering it under her breath, but I hear every word. It brings a smile to my lips.

I’m in love with this girl. I can already tell.

It’s six o’clock now and she’ll be gone in the morning.

I have about fourteen hours or so to make her feel the same.

My pulse races as I place a few logs on the fire, strike the match, and light the newspaper.

It catches immediately, going up in flames with a roar.

This girl ismine.

I just hope by morning, she realizes it.