We would deal with the unhealthy cast to her cream-colored skin and the lack of muscles that should’ve thickened her body as soon as possible, but she wasn’t any less beautiful to me because of those things.

Her illness was nothing but a small stone in our path. One I would crush with ease, after I discovered a way to do so.

She did need her rest until then, I supposed.

Taking care to be quiet, I set her new trunk down on the floor near the closet and then opened it slowly. She had climbed into my bed and didn’t seem to have anything against sharing a room, so her things would go in my closet, where they belonged. Pride swelled within me at the thought of Vena smelling of me—of her wearing my scent and our connection without shame.

My feet were silent as I made trips in and out of the closet. I was in no hurry as I tucked her dresses and underclothing between my shorts and pants. Her jewelry, I hung on the wall so she could study the pieces individually before making her decision.

I stepped back to survey the room, and satisfaction settled in my bones.

Fuck, it had been too long since I felt that. That… calm confidence.

It was a nicer feeling than I cared to admit.

I stepped outside the room, and then halted.

She had rolled a bit—my Lemay.

My moon.

The light to my darkness…

My everything.

One of her perfect arms had slipped out from beneath the blankets, and was tucked up beside her head.

There was something near her wrist. I’d never seen it bare before—her sweater had covered it.

Fury burned through me.

Did she wear another man’s jewelry? Had she allowed him to mark her?

I would fucking destroy him, and everyone he loved.

The darkness swelled around me, its seduction flooding me with further anger as it carried me to her side.

When it cleared and I could see her arm, everything inside me tensed.

It wasn’t a bracelet.

It was something on her skin—a scar. The skin was uneven and darker, there, forming a thick band that encircled her wrist.

And there was only one fucking thing that could’ve caused it.

A chain.

I pulled her pillow up, off of her other arm, so I could see the skin there.

Another scar.

Another chain.

Darkness began to swirl around me, thick and furious.

The blankets were lifted next, revealing her ankles.

Her fucking ankles.