“Damn,” I murmured, peering into the rest of the bathroom.

Everything was coated. The toilet, the shower, the floors, the counters…

“How long has it been since someone was in here?” I whispered to myself.

No one answered, of course. It wasn’t like I expected them to, but… still, the whole thing was just plain strange.

I wasn’t ready to walk out of the bathroom and face the dark king, to ask him why it was dusty and look for his servants or employees or subjects, though. Instead, I slipped into the bathroom and stripped my dress off, along with the sweater I had on over it. Most female fae didn’t wear sweaters, because of the strange style it created, but with the sickness weakening my body, I was too cold without it.

There was enough vomit on the dress that I would have to scrub it clean if I wanted to wear it again, so I tossed it into the bathroom’s sink. My sweater was very oversized, and had buttons on the front that I could do up when I got too chilly, so I figured I could just wear that until I cleaned my dress or found something fresh to wear. It hadn’t gotten vomit on it, by some miracle.

My body collected a lot more dust as I made my way to the shower, and when I turned the damn thing on, both dust and water exploded from the faucet. I coughed up a damned storm, my stomach twisting again as I retched. There wasn’t anything left in my belly, so it was just dry, painful gagging.

A good amount of the dust had been washed down the drain by the time I managed to stop dry-retching. I didn’t bother trying to stand up; my body was too tired and shaky.

When I was cleanish, I shut off the water and waited until my body felt slightly less wrecked to stand up. It took a fair amount of willpower, a lot more than it should’ve, but I made it to my feet and only ended up with one palm coated in dust when I shuffled out, knees bent and hands out just in case.

“Okay,” I said to myself, wiping a hand on a clean portion of the dress I’d tossed into the sink. It didn’t fully remove the dust, but it was better than nothing. “Good enough,” I mumbled to myself, carefully collecting my sweater.

There was no towel to dry myself with, so I just went ahead and pulled the sweater on, pushing my long, yellow-blonde hair out over the back of it. It would soak me, but at least I’d be somewhat covered. Naked and vulnerable didn’t seem like a good plan considering I was going to have to face off with the Dark King again in the very near future.

Letting out a slow sigh, I stared at the dusty mirror. I couldn’t see myself in it, but I didn’t need to. I knew how I looked.

Unnaturally pale. Skinnier than I should’ve been. Dull-haired, and dull-eyed.

My eyes closed for a long moment, and the shaking in my legs resumed.

I needed to get out there and figure out why the king’s castle was so full of dust, and where I could find a room that would actually have things I could use. And rest—I really needed rest.

Soup would’ve been nice too.

Another sigh escaped me, but I turned and slowly made my way back across the bathroom and bedroom.


When I steppedout of the room, I froze just outside the door.

The king was on his knees, shirtless, pantless, holding a bottle of what smelled like cleaning solution, and using a couple of towels on the floor.

Where I’d puked.

My eyes trailed down the shape of his body.


The man was way more gorgeous than an evil king was supposed to be.Waymore gorgeous. His muscles had muscles, most of which were very exposed considering he was only wearing a pair of the tight shorts some men in the Night Court wore for underwear.

Damn, I was sweating. And not just because of the vomiting.

Of course, acknowledging said sweat would mean letting the king know that he affected me physically, which would give him an advantage I couldn’t afford.

So, I ignored the fact that my sweater hung fairly loosely off my body, and strode over to the man. There were an insane number of thigh-flashes sent his way, but he didn’t seem to notice them. Didn’t even glance up from where he was kneeling on the tile, scrubbing the floor.

“Where are your staff?” I asked him. I didn’t know much about evil kings, but I was pretty damn sure they didn’t clean vomit themselves.

He slowly lifted his head, studying me for a long moment before he completely ignored my question and asked one of his own. “You’re unnaturally skinny. Why?”

Guess he wasn’t just going to offer information freely.