“What the hell?” The dark king did not seem impressed with mylack of controlover my stomach. The joke was on him though, because it was fucking uncontrollable. When his magic had started growing less effective at staving off the effects of my distance from my birth land, the vomiting had begun. It wasn’t any more pleasant for me than it was for him, either.

“Let go of my fucking wrist,” I snapped at him, still on my knees in a puddle of my own vomit.

“What’s wrong with you?” His eyes were narrowed, tendrils of darkness snapping in the air around him as if they were looking for a threat of some kind.

They didn’t need to look any fucking farther than me.

If our lives were truly connected, his days were just as limited as mine were. Which was a fact he deserved to know, but not one I wanted to share with him. Because as soon as I shared it, he would freak out. A power-hungry bastard didn’t turn into a good man when he learned that his death was coming for him. If anything, he grew more power-hungry and bastardly.

“Weak stomach, and a travel companion who didn’t warn me we were about totransport.” I flared up at him.

“Noted.” He stepped away from me, his gaze on his now-wet feet looking really fucking disgusted. “You’ll clean that up.”

“No, I won’t.” I stood up, wiping my nasty hands on my dress. It already had some food splashed on it, anyway. “Where’s my room?” I lifted my chin. If I was going to be stuck with this bastard for the last few months of my life, I wasn’t spending them in a fucking prison.

“Pick any one you want.” His voice was a low, frustrated growl. “I’ll find you when I need you.”

“You’d better not need me any time soon. Touch me without permission and you’ll see exactly what I can do with this magic you gave me.” I shook my hands out, acting as if I had far more control over the power than I really did.

“I’d expect nothing less from the woman fate paired me with,” the king drawled.

I strode away from him. What little magic I had left was curled around my fists in clouds of darkness that wouldn’t do a damn thing against the king who had so much control over it.

But they did make me feel better.

I strode into the first room I saw, looking around for signs of another occupant. When I saw the bed bare of fabric, I let out a relieved breath and stepped inside. The door slammed behind me, and my back pressed against it, my eyes closing.

My hands were shaking; my whole damned body was shaking.

“You’re fine, Vena,” I whispered to myself. “You survived, remember? No more salt, no more stew, no more customers… but you’re alive. That’s what counts.”

I had accepted talking to myself a long time ago. If it made me weird, I didn’t fucking care.

I was alive, and that was what mattered.


“Of course.” I scoffed at myself. “You’ll shower, and find something to eat, and then you’ll feel much better. There’s probably a kitchen here; you can hang out with the chef. Things will be fine. Great, maybe.”

Thatmaybewas the real shitter, wasn’t it?

Because I had no idea whether or not I’d be okay.

But I’d play along with it for a while. For long enough to try to find my balance, at least.

And feed myself, so my absent magic didn’t start feasting on my soul again like it seemed to when I was hungry.

Yep, shower and food.

Fantastic idea.

I crossed the room I’d claimed, taking a better look around. The place was full of furniture, but the further I walked, the deeper my frown grew.

There was dust. A lot of dust. On everything.

When I made it into the bathroom, that proved to be even more true.

I crossed the large space and leaned over the countertop, then dragged my fingertips over the mirror. When I pulled my hand away, the layer of dust on my fingers was thicker than my fingers themselves.