The Shadow Queen, who was apparently fated mates with the king.

And who could transform into a shadow wolf.

My mood flickered with my memories as I reconsidered what I’d known for months, for the thousandth time.

Diora possessed the Shadow King’s magic… and could transform into a wolf when she grew terrified enough.

Yet she’d foughtforthe king.

And was his fated mate.

A shiver rolled down my spine at the implications of it.

It had to be a coincidence that she and the king she was connected to were fated mates, didn’t it?

What was the alternative?

ThatIwas fated mates with the kingIwas connected to? The Dark King, who killed without a care and sought to conquer without a need?

Stars, the idea was a terrible one.

And what if Iwashis fated mate, I wondered for the hundredth time?

I should run, shouldn’t I?

Get as far away from civilization as possible? Try to buy my way onto a ship that could take me somewhere—anywhere—that wasn’t night fae territory?

With a mostly-empty pot in my hands, I turned to make my way back into the kitchen.

I hadn’t noticed the room go silent—or the door open a moment ago.

I hadn’t noticed the new set of eyes on me, or the way the light dimmed in the room.

I hadn’t even noticed the stranger slip into the room and silently take a seat, his back to the rest of the room as if he wasn’t at all concerned that someone might try to run a knife through him.

And Ididn’tnotice, until a low, dark voice drawled, “Why the fuck is my fated mate serving food?”


I halted abruptly.

The shiver that went up my spine was automatic, uncontrollable.

It couldn’t be…

Hecouldn’t be…


I shouldn’t have been surprised; I’d had shitty luck my whole life.

I’d survived this long, but what the stars was I supposed to do with this? A fated mate who murdered without thought, and probably tortured people the same way I’d been tortured for so much of my life?

If we were fated, he wouldn’t be able to hurt me, but…

Yeah, no.

I wasn’t doing this.