I was glad she noticed. “It’s not a matter of the shape—the front teeth don’t cut skin the way a knife would.” Was I really arguing the anatomy of a werewolf bite? This was fun.
“Their entire bone structure changes, and you think their teeth stay the same?”
I couldn’t win this disagreement, which meant I needed to change the rules. “I can’t say I’ve thought much about it. You on the other hand seem to have put a lot of thought into it.” Not that I was shaming her—it was both interesting and sexy.
“My wolf shifter stories keep me warm at night.” She paused, furrowed her brow, and blushed.
Was that a confession? “Is warm a euphemism?”
“For giving myself orgasms. yes.”
So much for innuendo. I was surprised at the response but not disappointed. “That’s something I’d like to see.”
“It’s not something I tend to do for an audience, hence the giving myself…” She ducked her head as she trailed off, but the gesture didn’t hide the pink growing up her neck.
I was so in. “But you want to. For me.”
Her head shot up and so did her eyebrows. “Do I?” Her voice was flat again. “Because you’re so charming and handsome?”
“I am, but that’s not why. Because you’re turned on, I have a sexy accent, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to check something naughty off your bucket list.”
“Once-in-a-lifetime chance.” She searched my face.
She was about to tell me yes. Would she let me lick her fingers when she was done?
“Move, please.” Lee stood.
Oops. Called that wrong.
Diego (Nick)
I heard most of the conversation between Raul—Tony—and Lee. He was such an asshole sometimes, but he was my asshole. I was happy to admit to being the sucker who loved him.
“Move, please.”
I wasn’t surprised when Lee stood and made the request.
Raul, on the other hand, looked like she’d just spit in his drink. “Excuse me?” His question was a request to repeat what she’d said.
Lee huffed. “I’m swapping seats with your friend, partner, whatever. Please move.”
I tried to hide my chuckle—I liked her. She was attractive, intelligent, and held her own with Raul. Triple threat, right there. I grabbed my carry-on, and stepped into the aisle, so she could have my seat.
“I’m sorry about him,” I said as she brushed past me.
She gave me a glance. “Don’t.” She didn’t sound annoyed, but there was no playfulness in her voice either.
“Why not?” I asked.
“He’s obviously not sorry, and he doesn’t need you cleaning up his messes.” Lee settled into my now-empty seat.
I’d done plenty of cleaning up his messes, and never complained. For instance, if we’d hooked up with her, I could imagine licking along her pussy, cleaning Raul’s cum from her hot, wet skin. Not that I’d share that fantasy with her, but the images were enough to make me hard.
I gave her a short bow. “Regardless, enjoy the rest of your flight.” I took the seat next to Raul. “You’re an idiot,” I said teasingly, and loud enough for Lee to hear.
“Did you see her? Worth the risk, my love.”