“You didn’t. The way you acted was totally reasonable.” Meghan leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Confession?”
“That tiny piece of tourmaline you found on the beach…” Meghan opened her bedside drawer, took it out and held it between her thumb and index finger. “I’ve been looking at it every night. It reminded me of you, and that gave me comfort too.” She smiled. “I looked it up. It’s supposed to calm negative emotions.”
“So it’s not just me who’s losing it.” Florence watched her put it back in her drawer with as much care as if she were handling a diamond.
Meghan shook her head and chuckled. “We’re not losing it. We’re just gaining some spirituality, and there’s nothing wrong with that. And you know what else? I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said that day on the beach. That you think love is the purpose of life.”
“You have?”
“Yes, and I agree wholeheartedly.” Meghan pulled Florence on top of her and kissed her. “Because how could this not be the greatest purpose of all? You make me whole, and isn’t that what everyone searches for? Their other half?” She paused. “I meant what I said last night. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Florence met her gaze, and she believed her. She saw so much emotion and sincerity reflected in those beautiful, dark eyes, and it made her feel safe and secure. “What about those things you mentioned about our age difference and kids?” Florence asked.
“I think I was overcomplicating our situation. Maybe I was looking for excuses, like you said. But I know we can make it work.”
“Of course. We can talk about these things,” Florence said, wondering if she’d ever been so happy as she was now. “There’s nothing you can’t talk to me about.”
“I know. But there’s no rush. Let’s just enjoy this glorious time in bed together.” Meghan kissed her and ran a hand down her back to her behind. “I’ve finally got you back and I want to make it a morning to remember.”
Florence’s breath hitched at Meghan’s touch, and she shot her a mischievous smile. “Oh, don’t you worry. I’ll make it so memorable that you’ll still shiver in forty years’ time when you think back to it.”
“I know you can do that.” Meghan giggled as she imagined them both as older women. “Do you think we’ll still be together in forty years?”
“I hope so.” Florence ran a hand up her thigh, and it made Meghan twitch in anticipation. “And you know what? We’ll have a cool story to tell.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”
“When people ask how we met,” Florence said, pausing as she brushed her fingers between Meghan’s legs, “we can tell them we met in Paradise.”
Epilogue – Meghan
“I do,” Kim said through sniffs. She wiped away a tear as Andres put the ring on her finger, and their kiss resulted in happy cheering and clapping from their friends and family, who had gathered in Spain to witness their wedding ceremony. Standing under an archway of greenery and little white daisies that Meghan, Florence and Tiger had helped set up, Kim looked striking in her white lace veil and mermaid dress that showed off a little baby bump of just over three months.
Clapping along, Meghan shed happy tears from the front row of chairs set up on the beach, and smiling widely, she turned to Florence. “That was beautiful, wasn’t it?”
“It was. I’m so happy for them.” Florence took Meghan’s hand and kissed it. The sun was setting, and Kim and Andres were standing in front of the glowing horizon, their silhouettes framed by the last light of the day. Wedding guests got up to get a glass of Champagne, and Florence pointed to the bar. “Want one?”
“Yes, please.” Meghan straightened her peach-coloured bridesmaid’s dress and followed her, then waited for Kim to join her. She was in charge today, and although she was a little nervous about that, the venue seemed to be on top of things and she hadn’t come across any hurdles so far.
“That was perfect,” Kim said, hugging her tightly. “Thank you. You guys have made it so beautiful for us.”
“I’m so glad you’re happy and yes, that was a touching ceremony. Congratulations.” Meghan put her hands on Kim’s shoulders. “But the night is only just starting, so let me know if there’s anything you’re not happy with. Anything, and I’ll fix it, okay?”
“Thank you, but it’s already exceeded my expectations.” Kim beamed. “I love all the little touches in the decorations and those tiny cupcakes they’re serving with the Champagne. It’s such a nice surprise.”
“I actually have another surprise for you,” Meghan said, squeezing her as she dropped a dramatic pause. “I’m moving here.”
“What?” Kim screamed with joy and flung her arms around Meghan. “I thought you and Florence were going to live in London together. She was practically living with you already.”
“That was the initial plan, but I’ve been job hunting in the past few months, and I’ve found something in Benidorm. I’ll be managing a hotel—I’m starting in July.” Meghan smiled. “Florence just signed her permanent contract at Paradise. She’s moving here in a few weeks, and I’ll follow later, as I still have to work my notice at the casino.”
“Oh, my God. That means you’ll be here when our son is born!”
“I’d be here for that, no matter what,” Meghan said. “But yes, it will be so much easier to see my godson grow up when I live nearby.” She stepped to the side when Andres’ parents joined them. “Anyway, we can talk about that later. Go greet your guests.”
It was wonderful to be back in Spain again, especially for such a special occasion. March was pleasant with a dry, warm wind that made the linen canopies dance over the tables where they would have dinner later. The small beach bar just outside Altea had pulled out all the stops for the wedding and placed long rows of immaculately laid tables on its concrete terrace. With the big, white centrepieces made of fresh flowers and plenty of candles, the night would no doubt be very romantic.