Page 62 of Paradise Pride

“No, but close. It’s malachite, a stone of transformation,” her mother said. “It will give the wearer a sense of stability if they’re feeling overwhelmed and help them move on to the next chapter in their life, as it encourages risk-taking and change. Interestingly, it’s linked to the heart chakra, just like that piece of rose quartz I gave you.” She smiled. “Please take it, it’s a perfect gift.”

“Thank you.” Florence carefully placed it in the side pocket of her weekend bag.

“You’re welcome, honey.” Her mother seemed beside herself that Florence was finally showing some interest in her life’s work. “Have you said goodbye to your friends? Manuel must be sad that you’re leaving. He’s such a nice boy.”

“Yes.” Florence hesitated as she regarded her mother. “Mum, why did you give him a fertility crystal?”

An amused expression settled over her mother’s face. “Because it felt right,” she said. “Sometimes my intuition guides me when I choose presents for people, and my intuition with him was very strong when I met him for the first time, so I made him something he could wear. Has he worn it?”

“Yes. And he’s going to be a father.”

“Oh?” Her mother’s eyebrows shot up, but she didn’t look all that surprised. “Well, then, I suppose destiny has run its course. How nice for him.”

“But you can’t just give someone a fertility crystal and not tell them what it is,” Florence said, then realised the implication. “I mean, not that I believe it would actually work…”

“If you don’t believe it, what’s the problem?”

Florence shook her head. “Never mind.” She was grateful her alarm went off, reminding her it was time to leave. “We have to go.”

“Yes. Let’s.” Her mother searched in her overfull handbag for her car keys. “Wait here. I’ll drive the car up.”



Another year older.It wasn’t so much the number that bothered Meghan, but more the fact that she felt like she was starting from scratch. She’d thought she knew herself, and she had a plan. Grow in her career, find a man, buy a house together and have children at some point. And now she’d have to rethink all of that, at least the man part. Well, children would be a different matter too, she supposed, as they wouldn’t just magically materialise. So yes, there was that.

Starting over and making a new plan was daunting, but at the same time, she also felt immensely grateful for the two weeks that had opened her eyes to something incredible. Even though it wasn’t going to work out with Florence, maybe she could have that again one day with another woman. Meghan found it hard to believe that anyone could make her feel the way Florence did, but no matter how much she missed her, tonight, she would smile and try her hardest to enjoy herself with all the people she loved.

She’d done a lot of reflecting in the past six weeks, and she’d been so close to telling her parents on numerous occasions, but every time she’d chickened out. She agreed with Kim that tonight was a good night to come out because then she’d only have to have the conversation once, but without Florence here, it seemed pointless, so she told herself she was off the hook once again.

A group of friends from university, a handful of colleagues from the casino, her parents and some other relatives were already here, and she greeted a few more friends who arrived, then pointed to the two long tables in the back of the pub.

“Thank you so much for coming, guys. Find a seat, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Seconds later, Kim arrived. “Am I late?” she asked, panting as she steadied her hands on her knees. “I took a taxi because I was running late, but the traffic was horrendous.”

“Don’t worry, babe. This is London. No one is ever on time.” Meghan kissed Kim’s cheek and gave her a squeeze. “Besides, since when are you worried about being late?”

Kim straightened herself and scanned the pub, taking in Meghan’s guests. “Right. Of course. I just didn’t want to miss the best part.”

“Thank you. But what do you mean by the best part?”

“The start, of course!” Kim chuckled. “Never mind. Just take this so I can get rid of my coat,” she said, pressing a small giftbag from a lingerie brand against Meghan’s chest.

Meghan opened the bag and spotted delicate black lace. “You bought me lingerie? Kim, this is really expensive!”

“It’s beautiful, you’ll look stunning in it, and you never know when might need it,” Kim said, glancing at the tables again. “Now, where am I sitting? Oh my God, your mum looks younger than me nowadays.”

“I know. It’s not fair.” Meghan smiled at her mother, who was waving Kim over. She’d had some rejuvenating injections lately, and she’d had her eyebrows done for tonight. Her mother dressed very young for her age, even promiscuous at times in Meghan’s opinion, but tonight she looked great in a low-cut top, jeans and a black leather jacket. Her father was going through a phase, she supposed, as he’d rocked up wearing his usual work cap paired with a T-shirt by some obscure heavy metal band she’d never heard of.

“You should see my parents.” Kim chuckled. “Twenty years older and retired. My mum dresses like she’s going to church and collects fridge magnets.” Her eyes darted to the pub entrance, and her lips pulled into a wide grin. “Oh my…look who’s here.”

“What?” Meghan followed her gaze and almost fell over when she saw Florence coming through the door. “Fuck… Is that… Did you…?”

“Yes, I did, and you can thank me later.” Kim rubbed her shoulder. “I’ll go order a drink and join the party.” She lowered her voice. “Don’t worry. I’ll distract them so you won’t have all eyes on you while you snog her face off.”

Florence’s breath visibly hitched when she saw Meghan, and she seemed unsure of herself as she walked up to her.